News as front page.

Hi folks, thanks for this neat gallery / blog software, really nice.
In the defult zenpage theme there is the ability to make the News page the front page.
Can you tell me the bit of code I need to put into other themes to make them behave the same way.
To start off I'm going to css mod zpFocus (yes I understand you don't support 3rd party themes etc :) )
and then work on my own "masterpiece"
I'm just trying to find out how to make mysite/news.php load for visitors rather than mysite/index.php.
Many Thanks.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Look at the Zenpage theme's `gallery.php` (this is actually the index page since index.php in this theme is a wrapper page for the homepage feature). It's actually just using the `next_news()` loop on the index.php page as well. Also an option for "news-on-index" must be set so the pagination for news starts on the `news.php` with page 2 (since `index.php` is page 1).
  • Thanks for the answer acrylian,appreciated.
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