EXIF? Data - Original Length / Width


I am interested to know where the program pulls the data from for the MetaData displays entitled "original length" and "original height" -(these appear on the zpGallerific display and not sure about the other themes). Which EXIF fields do these relate to please? There seem to be numerous options and many of my displayed fields are gobblydedook...so need to work back to see where the problem is occurring! Thanks, Bruce


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Look at `zp-core/exif` which contains the exifer script which is responsible for reading the exif meta data. In general it follows the exif standard. My collegue sbillard is the expert on this stuff though.

    If your text is "gobblydedook" that might have other reasons like encoding of the exif data in the images or the encoding of your database. Also it might be that you use a specific camera that does things different. So best is to provide some more info.
  • Thanks for the info. I have been looking at this and trying to see why some images are ok and some are not. Then I discovered that in the very latest images, Canon has apparently changed the EXIF fields! Either that, or Photoshop5 has changed them during RAW conversion! Either way I am thinking that I might need to move the topic over to the Themes discussions because in zpGallerific I now want to change the fields shown under those labels (width and length) to a couple of custom fields that I will fill out - then there can be no mistakes! I have no idea about php so don't know where to start looking!
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Since we follow the official standard we of course don'T "care" what any camera vendor might do differntly (well, we can't of course test all these models..).

    I assume you mean Photoshop CS5? Photoshop also uses XMP which is a somehow strange "extension" or "alternative" to the normal EXIF. There is a plugin for xmp data. with PS CS3 it does work without issues (however adding EXIF via Bridge strangely does not for me...).

    Regarding changing the labels of the EXIF fields listed. That is not exactly theme specific (although I don'T know what zpFocus does in detail). You can customize the output using the image metadata functions. Please also search the forum, we had that a while back if I recall right.
  • A final note - after some research I have discovered that CS5 write their EXIF data differently to all previous versions (and differently to everyone else) and so by and large, much of it is not readable by 3rd party programs! So this is why I was having problems! Many people have dropped CS5 and gone back to 4. There are some heated exchanges about it on the Adobe website! So that might be useful for people to know, who have CS5. It's only a problem if you use the EXIF data, however. In my case the image width and length were not importing into IMatch which is the program I use to create the images for the gallery (with all the IPTC data attached and the images resized etc). So as a result, it was not getting to display in the gallery images. cheers, Bruce
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