From what I can tell looking at that, it's a hosting thing, not something that would be implemented via zenphoto. It's a module for apache that analyzes and re-writes the web data as it's hosted.
Unless I'm completely missing something, which has been known to happen, lol.
It is fairly new and you don't really expect us to built in everything out there, do you?....;-) Besides micheall is right as this is a Apache server module which is outside of our "responsibiliy" anyway.
Don't mistake me! asking about that here. i have enabled this mod for my WP site, that gives error.
BUT now, I have enabled mod_speed for (ZenPhoto + Static Cache) domain, which is working fine. Thanks for for your response.
Unless I'm completely missing something, which has been known to happen, lol.
BUT now, I have enabled mod_speed for (ZenPhoto + Static Cache) domain, which is working fine. Thanks for for your response.