Table formatting and wordwrap

I want to have my tables set on the left or right and have the body text wrap around them like it would for an image.

In tinyZenpage it looks this way but after published the text does not wrap and goes above or drops below the table as if it had no wordwrap.

Also, my table rows which are tight and height matching to the single line of text as I edit them are double spaced with tall rows after published.

I am using the zpFocus13 theme (which is great and I highly recommend). Is there something in the style sheets that may be over riding this that I need to adjust?

Thanks in advance.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    tinyZenpage is a TinyMCE plugin to include links/image of the gallery in Zenpage pages or articles and does not use tables at all.

    So you are probably talking about TinyMCE itself and using its table function. As you guessed you will have to create css rules to format them. I have no idea what zpFocuse might "override" though.
  • Sorry for the confusion. Yes, TinyMCE.

    The page has wordwrap around the table when viewed in Goodgle Chrome.

    It seems to be some issue with IE8.

    I will keep looking.
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