The simpler media website CMS
all is OK,the google map is displayed for the only picture which is geolocalized.
But, in the album page, I used this following code
<?php if (function_exists('printAlbumMap')) { ?>
<?php echo 'true'; printAlbumMap(); ?>
<?php } ?>
and nothing is displayed when I have an geolocalized image in the album.
what'is the matter with this function ?`
I think I've found the problem
in google_map.php, there are the following functions :
line 170 : function printImageMap($zoomlevel=NULL, $defaultmaptype=NULL, $width=NULL, $height=NULL, $text=NULL, $toggle=true, $id='googlemap', $mapselections=NULL, $addwiki=NULL, $background=NULL, $mapcontrol=NULL, $maptypecontrol=NULL, $customJS=NULL)
line 252 : function printAlbumMap($zoomlevel=NULL, $defaultmaptype=NULL, $width=NULL, $height=NULL, $text='', $toggle=true, $id='googlemap', $firstPageImages=0, $mapselections=NULL, $addwiki=NULL, $background=NULL, $mapcontrol=NULL, $maptypecontrol=NULL, $customJS=NULL)
in function printImageMap, there is $text=NULL, and in function printAlbumMap, there is $text=''.
in the first case, if you write <?php printImageMap();?> in your theme, a "Google Map" link is displayed :
`Google Map
but, in the second case, if you write <?php printAlbumMap();?> in your theme, an empty link is displayed :
Do you think I'm right ?
yes of course, you can set this parameter (only in the call of the function and not in the back end).
but if you don't do that, there is a default display.
in the two case, the default display is 'Google Map', but with printAlbumMap(), you have this code (line 313) :
`if (is_null($text)) $text = gettext('Google Map');`
and the default value for $text is ''.
so the default value is never displayed.
maybe you should set this code :
`function printAlbumMap($zoomlevel=NULL, $defaultmaptype=NULL, $width=NULL, $height=NULL, $text=NULL, [...]` and everything will be ok