Registration-Plugin seems not to work


I use zenphoto [6169] with the Plug-In sendmail (PHPMailer.php => zenphoto_PHPMailer) and register-user. If a new user try to register nothing happens (no error message, no confirmation). He only is redirected to the login page. The new user don't get a email, the administrator don't get a email and there is no new user with pending verification.

The configured the plugin as follow:
-default user group: viewer
- email id is ticked
- notify is ticked
- user registration page is register (default setting).

The phpmailer plug in seems to work. I can use the comment form.

Has someone a sugestion?




  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Did you set an e-mail address on the main options as the gallery e-mail? That one is used to mail from.
  • Yes, I did.
  • If there is no user pending verification something must have failed in the registration process. Check your error logs for errors.
  • Thanks for your answer, but where do I find the error logs?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Ask your host.
  • I actually have the same problem, here is more information:
    - if all fields ok, redirected to the login page without message "please check your email for a confirmation link blabla". But email is sent and registration is ok.
    - if one of the fields is not ok, redirect to login page without any error message. So the user does not understand.
    Nok fields includes wrong capcha, password mismatch or even a strange thing: a dash in password.

    i am trying to troubleshoot it but if someone has quicker solution ... welcome
  • ok, found: we must use mod_rewrite.
    Well, at least this is the workaround.
  • Thank you so much ecu!

    With nod_rewrite on it works on my page, too.
  • This will be corrected in tonight's build.
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