Password protect only hi-res photos?

I'm testing out zenphoto for a professional photographer's site.

We would like low-res photos available to everyone, but to password protect the hi-res ones for clients.

Is it possible to do this in ZenPhoto? Either automatically or via .htaccess?

I understand that we can protect individual albums and galleries, but we want protection of just certain file sizes.

Thank you,


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    First, "gallery" refers to the Zenphoto installation itself in Zenphoto terms. We are talking about albums.

    If you mean fine data photos with hires for the clients to download you should not store these in the albums folder at all. Virtually no normal web host server will be able to work with such big dimensionwise at all and most likely crash. Zenphoto works with these images upploaded to create the resized images like the thumbs and sized images. Please read about caching and this on our troubleshooting on our user guide.

    Also it is not possible to password protect the images itself via Zenphoto. You have to set the right permisions on your server and probably use htaccess to restrict further access.

    You really should store fine data images outside the normal gallery. For example in the uploaded folder using htaccess access restrictions.
  • Sorry for the late reply, but thank you! We've set it up with an external folder and used .htaccess and it's working fine.
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