Over at FlowPlayer the page for 3.2.3 makes the claim that it has support for iPhones and iPads.
http://flowplayer.org/3.2/3/Version 3.2.3 also seems to be the same version that the latest release of ZenPhoto includes. It appears that the way to get it to work simply has to do with the way you format your HTML. But playing of mp4s isn't working.
Given the information above could someone help me with some tweak I could make to the source or html that would enable this iPhone "support" with the default theme?
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo WEBPATH. '/' .ZENFOLDER. '/'.PLUGIN_FOLDER; ?>/flowplayer3/flowplayer.ipad-3.2.1.js"></script>
I also added .ipad()to the flowplayer call in flowplayer3.php.
More information can be found at:
but i can't seem to find any info regarding using another player
without loosing the zenphoto plugin and going with a standalone player.
it seems to be a relatively simple option to include.
any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated
Seems you also need to add the product key:
This means you have to modify the plugin directly. Best you make a custom plugin of it.
just another thing...
the function in which image urls are store in the
database and update automatically as soon as you
upload a new album using FTP.
which part of the php script is that, if more then more section??
anyway, love the script and the zenphoto flexibility!!
and had a hard time finding information on how to create dynamically upon upload in both a user form as well as ftp.
thanks again, much appreciated
Also, do I have to change any plugin settings, i.e., disable 'Autoplay' and/or 'Splash image'?
If I don't get my videos working on an iPad my wife will stare at me with disappointing eyes. Heheh.. Any help is much appreciated.
As said before FLowplayer will play even without on iDevices if the correct movie format is used (mp4 that is).
I was kinda hoping someone would know what line to put that bit of code, as I'm not adept enough to create my own plugin.
I have put adding that iPad plugin to the official plugin on my list for Zenphoto 1.4.2 (scheduled December 1st). It will probably sometime before that in the developlement nightly build.
Zenphoto does not recognize .m4v currently, only the generic .mp4. It is planned to change that for 1.4.2 as well. There are also plans to make a proper jPlayer (jplayer.org) plugin (There is a 3rd party one only for audio playlists).
As Marjolein stated above,there are some tweaks you can make to Flowplayer to get it to play mp4 videos embedded in ZenPhoto on the iPad instead of going full screen (on the iPhone they will only play full screen).
Download and copy flowplayer.ipad-3.2.2.min.js to your /zp-core/zp-extensions/flowplayer directory.
Now you need to make two changes to flowplayer3.php:
Add the following line underneath the similar ones within the flowplayer2JS function:
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/'.PLUGIN_FOLDER; ?>/flowplayer3/flowplayer.ipad-3.2.2.min.js"></script>
Towards the end of flowplayer3.php you will see the following lines:
$playerconfigadd .= '
// ]]> -->
$playerconfig = $playerconfig.$playerconfigadd;
return $playerconfig;
Change this line:
This will get embedded playback working correctly.
Also, there seems to be a bug in the iPad's iOS that doesn't affect the iPhone. All my attempts at playing mp4 videos using Flowplayer when ZenPhoto is running over HTTPS result in Safari saying "This movie could not be played". Other browsers like iCab don't have this problem, but apparently Safari has a bug that prevents movies being streamed over HTTPS unless your web server has an intermediate certificate installed. This took me ages to discover so hopefully I've saved a couple of headaches here. You'll need to run ZenPhoto over HTTP or install the correct certificate for the videos to play.
More info: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4660189/cannot-view-quicktime-movies-over-https-in-safari-or-uiwebview