I've read some of the topics on different sized thumbnails, but can't seem to get it to work the way I want. I've changed the zp-config to look like so,
$conf['thumb_size'] = 150;
$conf['thumb_crop'] = true;
$conf['thumb_crop_width'] = 85;
$conf['thumb_crop_height'] = 85;
I want my actual thumbnails to be generated at 150 px on the short side, which is what the above should do, I think. But the thumbnails aer still being generated at 85x85. I'm still just learning php, so not sure about things yet. Am I looking in the wrong place to do this?
A great product, and I'm learning more everyday. Thanks for your time and help.
`<?php printCustomAlbumThumbImage(getAlbumTitle(), null, 230, null, 200, 100); ?>`
That's the code used in Stopdesign. The last two numbers refer to width and height. Couldn't tell you what the first sets are defining, perhaps area of crop?