How to load an swf on an album page?

I'm building this website where I have an swf file in the root. ZP is installed in root/zenphoto. The swf loads in all root pages, but not on the index.php or album.php file inside the themes folder. I am using relative paths.

does not work:
does work:

This is exactly the same file.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Maybe you should tell a few more info what you are actually trying to do and what this isolatie.php file actually does. The not working link is in any case not a Zenphoto link and therefore not even in Zenphoto context. I suggest to read the theming tutorial.
  • The problem is with the flash file which loads on the one page but not on the other, even though those 2 pages are identical. It's like a relative link to "/header_flash.swf" inside a ZP album.php page doesn't seem to get "out" of the ZP root, to reach the main website root.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Since you installed Zenphoto in a folder "zenphoto" /header_flash.swf of course does not reach your website root as that would be the root of the Zenphoto install naturally...
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