Every time I turn the static_html_cache plug-in on in Version [5831] the pages get cut off before the fully load. This happens with both my theme, and with the "Default" theme, and this happens both when I am logged off and when I am logged in.
Any ideas?
For the not logged in case, look at the files in the html_cache folder. Are they complete? If so, the there is some issue delivering the output of those files. If not there is some failure in generating the pages. For the latter, search your CGI error log files and see if anything is reported.
Anyway, I have made a change to the plugin for the nightly builds. Not quite the change you tried, so we would appreciate it if you can verify it works in your case.
This site is set up to delete the cache files as the first action index.php does to force the system to have to create the cache file each time for testing purposes, and will therefore show the issue every time.
Just to note before this change it worked well for me...