gallery zenphoto linked to home page

i have a brand new domain,nothing inside,just an info that the page is being built.I installed zenphoto into /root/www/
i can display my gallery with "my homepage/zenphoto".
but it was not the goal. i'd like to have the gallery displayed with my homepage alone is my homepage but displays only infos from internet provider. displays my gallery ( being built)
how can i get my homepage displaying my gallery ? did i install zenphoto at the wrong place ? it is installed under root/www , should it be installed under /root only ?


  • Somehow, I do not think you did actually what you describe above. The WEB is pretty regular about how it handles URLs, so if you enter a url `` the server will deliver the index.php file located in the `zenphoto` subfolder of your WEB root.

    So, go back to your FTP and upload the files just to the root folder, not to a zenphoto subfolder. (If you have expanded the zip file on your client pc into a folder named "zenphoto" don't upload that folder, instead upload the files within it.)
  • thanks for your answer. ok, i will do what you sugger. unpack and copy all the files ( 5 files + 8 directories) into the root folder. should i left the dir www in the root folder ? or should i remove everything and start from scratch ?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The www dir is your webroot...
  • ok, thanks. i think i can remove th zenphoto folder after having copied all files from zip into the www dir
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