"No right click" option?

Zen is simply the best!
Is there a way to stop people from right clicking to copy an image to their computer?


  • gypsies Member
    By the way, I know there are scripts for this generally but can I insert one into the appropriate album/image.php?
  • gypsies Member
    Thanks for the quick reply - read it and understand the ramifications but if I still want to deny right clicking, how do I do so please, and then I'll weigh up any cons.
  • gypsies Member
    I've tried a couple of scripts in the image.php page to no avail.
  • fretzl Administrator, Developer
    Sorry, you'll have to figure that out yourself.

    Just to note: Firefox for instance has a default setting that prevents scripts from disabling the context menu.
    So all Firefox users would have to change that default setting first for your script to work. Not really an option I think ;-)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    And you can do that on most other browsers as well. Also there are widely used plugins like noscript which override anything. Really believe us this is a useless plan.
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