Newbie question: Please explain user permissions

Hi everyone,

I have a very simple question and am unable to get the answer: Is it possible to create a user account and provide the necessary permissions so that they can only SEE certain albums?

As far as I have seen, all the permissions revolve around managing albums, but not necessary being able to exclude certain albums for viewing...

Your help would be appreciated!



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You have read?
    View all rights: Allows the user to view all albums, pages, and news articles. Without this right, the user can view only public ones and those checked in his managed object lists.
    The coming 1.3.2 release will have some more refinements to the view rights.
  • Hi all,

    I've read the previous discussion, plus but it's still not clear for me where I'm missing something.
    I'm using release [5831]. patched with 5837

    My config is :
    - public gallery
    - public albums
    - some albums password protected (guest) and not published

    Guest access is working well, my problem is using admin users with no rights.
    A user is configured :
    - without any rights
    - without any album selected
    => they can only list public album, but, they can access not published albums without any password (I was expecting a guest password to be required).

    If I select an album for this user: it can then be listed and accessed, this time I understood why :-)

    How may I configure an album so it can be accessed by an admin user with readonly rights ?

    Thanks for your help.
  • The above link on user rights explains how to grant access to protected albums. In addition you might wish to review
  • This is where I'm stuck

    # Not published/password protected: These are truely restricted to “logged in users”

    Logged in users :
    - guest users : ok, it's clear
    - admin users : should they see only the selected albums in managed list if they don't have full admin rights (and no rights at all) ? This is what I was expecting, but can't get if to work : is it possible ?

    Users without full Admin rights may be assigned objects (albums, pages, news categories) to “manage”. The rights the user has with respect to these objects will depend on the above rights list. These rights can be “reduced” for individual managed albums. Unchecking the “edit” or “upload” boxes will prevent the user from accessing those capabilities.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    - admin users : should they see only the selected albums in managed list if they don't have full admin rights (and no rights at all) ? This is what I was expecting, but can't get if to work : is it possible ?

    They need to have album manage rights of course to be able to have this. You might want to read this as well:
  • Sorry it was not clear in my message.
    I just want them to have read only access to a controlled list of albums.
    That's why I'm setting no rights to these users.
  • First, the features I will describe may be just in the pending release, I can't remember. So if you do not see them, install the nightly build.

    Give your user "albums" rights only. In the managed album list, check each album you wish the user to view. After you apply these chagnes you will see an "edit" check box next to the album in the list. Un-check this box.
  • It's working with the nightly build ! Great :-)
    The usage is also more clear as if I remember well "Albums" right will automatically be checked when you select one album.
    Thanks for you help !

    In my scenario the guest user is not used any more, why not put an option on the album like "secured" and optionally the admin can choose to put a guest user ?
  • the "user" part is not required. just leave it empty. there is an option for the whole gallery to be protected. the "option" for individual objects (albums, etc.) is a not empty password.
  • Perfect !
    Thanks again, great job.
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