printCustomSizedImage and videos

Not sure if this is intended behavior or not. If you need a custom crop in your theme, you would use the printCustomSizedImage function in the image loop. The problem seems to be when there are videos, this function does not process them as thumbs, and the video is actually printed instead of the thumb. If you use the default printImageThumb or the maxspace function, they are of course treated as thumbs, not the actual videos. Any chance this catch in the printimageThumb and maxspace functions can be added to the printCustomSizedImage function as well?

zenphoto version [6367]


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You have to set the last parameter `$thumbstanding` to true to treat it as a "thumb" rather than a sized image.
  • [edit] acrylian was right!

    You can fetch the thumbnail image for these objects and work with them. But if these are regular thumbnails you are using, I guess I do not understand your approach.

    If you are deciding image by image what the cropping should be it is simple enough to do something different for things which are not images. If all the thumbs are the same cropping (Or if specific image thumbs are cropped to spec) you should be just using the thumb functions with the appropriate options set or custom thumb crop made.
  • Thanks, will give it a go. Didn't realize that parameter had anything to do with this.

    $thumbStandin: set true to inhibit watermarking
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I guess we need to update the doc on that one...
  • Should have said "to treate as a thumbnail". Specially since it will not necessarily prohibit watermarking (if thumbnails are watermarked, for instance.) Just a comment from way past when things were different that has not got modernized.
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