PHP Fatal error: undefined function is_newsarticle() hitcounter.php


I got following error when checking error log:

[27-Dec-2010 23:04:13] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function is_newsarticle() in /home/hklb/public_html/hkgimg/pic/zp-core/zp-extensions/hitcounter.php on line 160

I am using ZenPhoto [5831]

My website:

Any hints?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Quick fix: Enable the Zenpage plugin.

    Actually it is a bug as that plugin should of course work without Zenpage as well.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Actually that error would only appear if you are on a Zenpage plugin theme page (pages.php or news.php). Without that plugin being enabled it is unlikely that you do access those. Please try to describe what you have done exactly.
  • I just modified the default theme and I never use pages.php and news.php... Don't know why it's appear on errlog file.
  • Do you see this error if you run an unmodified theme? If not we will need detailed information about the modifications you have made. Also what plugins you have enabled.

    As acrylian has said, this error can occur only if Zenphoto thinks it is loading a script named "new.php".
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