Moved Pages Redirect Plugin...

How about a re-direct plugin for moved pages. Re-doing a clients site and want to redirect his old pages and galleries to the new corresponding ZenPage/ZenPhoto pages...

Something simple with a form for "Old Page" and "New Page".

Just a though...I know it can be done other ways but though it was be awesome and convenient to have something build in.



  • Are these pages still in the same installation? Then you could attach the `load_theme_script` filter and make the appropriate changes to the global variables.

    something like `if (isset($_zp_current_zenpage_page) && $_zp_current_zenpage_page == ) $_zp_current_zenpage_page = ;`
  • They are pages unrelated to Zen. Just other .php pages...
  • So, I suppose then that they are pages also unrelated to Zenphoto. In which case the solution will need to also be unrelated to Zenphoto.

    I suppose you could just create new <page.php> files in the appropriate locaton that use header redirects to the appropriate Zenphoto construct.

    (If they are Zenphoto pages, then the above suggestion will work but will need to be modified to whatever these pages are.)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    if these old pages are none Zenphoto ones this it would probably be easier to do this via htaccess redirections.
  • Yes completely unrelated to ZenPhoto or ZenPage. I just thought it would be cool to have everything built-in. I've worked with other CMS's that had something similar. Header re-directs work too - just a thought...
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Are you sure that these CMS really cover site not generated by themselves? Zenphoto of course does not cover/check none Zenphoto pages at all (for Zenphoto/Zenpage items you got a solution), so the best is really to use htaccess for this.
  • Yea one in particular has a Moved Pages section. It covers CMS and non CMS pages. Will also redirect to a non CMS page as well. There are 2 boxes (1 for Old and 1 for New) along with a dropdown to select status code...

    For some reason I'm not seeing the image upload utility - See Screen Shot...
  • It really must be magic for the CMS to cover pages outside of its realm. If Zenphoto actually gets thes URLs (It will not if they do not point at something that looks zenphoto'ish.) then you could place your tests & redirects in the 404.php script of you theme. They will look like not existing albums/images to us.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    For some reason I'm not seeing the image upload utility
    That is because there is none for this forum (and we are not planning to add one).

    I think we won't work on this but of course you are welcome to make a plugin for this and provide it for others to use. And just out of interesst which CMS is this actually?
  • Haven't checked back in a while...sorry.

    The cms that has that plugin is called cmsms.

    It's nice but ZenPhoto is WAY better imo. I think I'm actually addicted to ZP! lol
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You mean CMSMadeSimple? Don't know that in detail because we of course are addicted to ZP as well...and btw there is no cure.;-)
  • Yes that's it. Was developed by my friends's nice and I'll use it when my friend and I join forces on a project but for my own projects I use ZP.
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