flowplayer3 MP3 height

fretzl Administrator, Developer
In flowplayer3.php line 41 there's
`if (!defined('FLOW_PLAYER_MP3_HEIGHT')) define ('FLOW_PLAYER_MP3_HEIGHT', 26);`
Does this not implicate that there should be an option to set the MP3 height somewhere ?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Not really (unless we missed something of course..;-)). It is only for mp3s if no coverimage is set. I just assumed that in this case you might want just the controlbar without any empty black screen. 26 is the height exactly for that. See lines 176-184.
  • fretzl Administrator, Developer
    In that case I think line 182 should read:
    `if (`!`is_null($height)) $height = getOption('flow_player3_height');`
    (`!is_null` instead of `is_null`)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    This is the fallback if the parameter for height is not set at all and if it is not an mp3, then the video height is used. If it is an mp3 and no cover image is set the mp3 height is used.

    Of course I did not look at that part for a long time and did not notice any concrete issues. Did you? (You are quite active with flowplayer currently, I guess you have it in use somewhere specifially?)
  • fretzl Administrator, Developer
    ...you have it in use somewhere specifially?
    Nope, it's just that sometimes I explicitly try to test functions that are not part of the standard themes. Like the flowplayer3_playlist. And, well, flowplayer3 itself is a natural concequence of that :-)

    Anyway, I just noticed that when mp3 cover image is in fact checked, the player still was 26px high.
    Therefore my post ;-)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, this full info helps a lot more...;-) I will take a look the next days
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