can not log in after upgrade to 1.4

tangorn Member, Translator
I have upgradet from 1.3.2 to 1.4 yesterday. everything was ok, every problems on setup was solved and the site was working. but my friends can not log in with their log/psw. so I loged off to try some of their log/psw and now I can not log in with my admin psw... i have found that there is no zp_config.php, only zp_config.php.source. what can i do please.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Your actual zp-config.php file is within the root /zp-data folder. That folder you should not have deleted as noted on our upgrade instructions. If this is gone and you have no backup then you have to create a new one.

    Since you of course ran setup after the upgrade you actually should have gotten an error about this.
  • tangorn Member, Translator
    i have overwrite the zp-data folder when I uploaded the new files to the server. after setup there was no error about zp-config.php :( i discovered that only after I read some post here and did not find it on my server... is there any possibility to log in to the existing site?
  • tangorn Member, Translator
    sorry to all, zp-config.php is on my server, my fault, i was looking in zp-core not in zp-data. but still, I can not log in with my psw to the front and backend :(
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, I miss read actually. The zp-config file itself has nothing to do with the passwords or login (it just stores the db info). You have to have enabled cookies in the browser you trying to use.

    If the login does not work or you forgot you have to do this:
  • tangorn Member, Translator
    I was so stressed that I did not read the capcha sentence... thx and sorry to bother with such trivial problem :)
    but anyway. nobody from the old database members can log in with their old login informations :(
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I have no idea how this can happen as I did not encoutner this in any update. I guess you have to follow the instructions on our troubleshooting then, But maybe sbillard will have any other ideas later.
  • The only cases I have heard of this happening is when the orginal install was done by something like SimpleScripts. Was that your case. In any event, the solutin is the same--the trouble shooting entry.
  • tangorn Member, Translator
    No it was installed without SimpleScripts or anything else. Normal download and setup right on the server. I have not many members so it was not so bad to reenter their mails and other infos and let them know the changes. May be that i have done something wrong, I am a greenhorn ;)
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