I am using Zenphoto version [5816] (Official Build)
Current gallery theme: zpFocus13.
I am trying to insert rel="nofollow" into a link to another website. The link is in an album and on a news article. The code for the link itself works just fine, but when I edit it and insert rel="nofollow", the editor on the album deletes rel="nofollow" when I save the album.
When I insert it on the news page, the editor does not delete it from the HTML, but rel="nofollow" does not appear when I view the source of the page. I've looked logged in and logged out. Any suggestions?
Thank-you - Renee
I changed this tag element on the options from:
a => (href =>() title =>() target=>() class=>() id=>())
to this:
a => (href =>() title =>() rel=\"nofollow\" =>() target=>() class=>() id=>())
It allowed the rel="nofollow" for the news article, but not in the description for the album or on the news/category page.
I actually added rel="nofollow" and when I saved it changed to rel=\"nofollow\".
Should I change something else?
Thank-you - Renee