Add lightbox to zpArdoise theme

I would like to add lightbox to the zpArdoise theme but I don't know where to put the line rel="lightbox" in the file image.php but maybe there is some other problemes in my syntax.
Did someone already try to add lightbox with success ?


  • Have you seen this plugin Colorbox ?
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator

    FYI, zpArdoise 1.1 supports colorbox.
    - if galleriffic is not used : colorbox is called on image page to see the full image
    - if galleriffic is used : colorbox is called on big thumbnail to see the full image (in this case, image.php is never called)
    (I have included the suggested MOD here : and here :
  • Hi Vincent
    I use zpArdoise 1.1 with zenphoto 1.4

    - if gallerific is used colorbox works fine
    - if gallerific is not used colorbox will not work either..

    I like the look with bigger 150 pix thumbnails and would like colorbox to work in that mode as well.

    Any suggestions on what to do?

    Thanks for a very nice theme BTW :)
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator

    sure, you can use colorbox without galleriffic.

    you have 2 ways to do that :

    1st, activate colorbox plugin and configure it to be used with album and images

    - you can configure slideshow to use colorbox rather than cycle
    - you can activate "use colorbox" option in option/theme to display full image with colorbox.
  • Hi,
    I have used the settings you provided above but still colorbox only works with gallerific.

    -in colorbox plugin the "image" and "gallery" are checked and applied

    -in theme/options the "use colorbox" is checked and applied

    In slideshow the colorbox works fine, but changing the timeout value makes no difference in transition time.

    Instead of the word "slideshow" I have the French "diaporama" any idea where to change that?

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I can't reproduce any issue with the "speed" option of the slidesshow in Colorbox mode. Be sure to clear your browser cache and reload the page to see an effect.

    Regarding the French word either that is accidentally hard coded in that theme or you have set your site to French.
  • Cleared the cache and reloaded the page but still the slideshow is to fast. Timeout value is set to 6000 milliseconds.

    Please have a look at

    The french word diaporama is then hardcoded into the theme as I have english selected. Will look throu the code to change it. Any idea where it might be?

    Since colorbox is not working in gallery I will make a clean install with latest version of zenphoto and zpArdoise and hope that will sort it out.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You will have to set a higher value. No idea why the Colorbox behaves like that. That would be something to address by its developer then.

    I can't help with the theme as I know nothing about it. I have changed the topic title so its developer might respond.
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator

    to fix the translation issue of slideshow :

    - in album.php, line 18 :
    replace `<?php printSlideShowLink('Diaporama'); ?>`
    by `<?php printSlideShowLink(gettext('Slideshow')); ?>`

    - in image.php, line 24
    replace `<?php printSlideShowLink('Diaporama'); ?>`
    by `<?php printSlideShowLink(gettext('Slideshow')); ?>`

    currently,, the speed of the slideshow of your site is fixed to 2000 (I have seen it by exploring the source's code of the pages).
    to change it to 6000 (for exemple), change the value 'timeout' of the slideshow plugin.
  • thank you Vincent..that's what I thought as well..
  • Hi and thanks for the help, unfortunatley problems remain.

    Today I made a clean install with and zpArdoise 1.2

    Problems with colorbox only working with Gallerific is still there.
    Slideshow same problem with timeout value, changes get lost

    It is very strange as I have 6000 milliseconds set in plugin options. It seems that the changes get lost after I have applied them. I also checked the "page source" in my browser and there the value is 2000.

    Regarding the Diaporama I found another problem.
    In Theme file editor I could change the album.php but the image.php file is completely blank. If I download the image.php from server and check the file in text-editor the content is there.

    I have tried in different browsers and the problems are the same.

    Any advice please as this is very frustrating.
    I thought a clean install would sort this up.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I don't know anything about this theme but it is much more comfortable to edit files in a proper text editor (code hightlighting for exampe) via ftp.
  • I was looking at zp-ardoise as an alternative to zp-gallerific, since there are some good improvements to the basic image handling.

    For the colorbox issue, first of all I had to enable colorbox options for zp-ardoise in the colorbox plug-in options page, for album and image pages. But this was not an answer - using firebug I can see an error -
    `$("a.colorbox").colorbox is not a function`, from the line - `$("a.colorbox").colorbox((maxWidth:"98%"` ...etc.

    There could be a substitution error which I can't trace as yet.

    For translations, line 10 of Search.php, "Recherche" can be replaced with "Search", and line 44 of footer.php can have the words "You can navigate the images with the help of the arrow keys of your keyboard" inserted in the echo statement.

    This is with version 1.2 by the way

    Hope this helps.
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    do your modifications in the local files on your pc and after upload them to your server and, according to me, the not back-up of the timeout value of slideshow is not a problem of my theme.

    I am sorry, but would you be more explicit in your comments ?
    I don't understand at all :-s

    by the way, search button is correctly translated but the text in the bottom is not (I want do create a transalation ticket for that)
  • So is there a way for me to edit the timeout value for slideshow outside the zenbox interface? what file to download and edit?

    In plugin options - Colorbox is enabled for ZpArdoise,
    image and album.

    could you please confirm that it's actually possible to use colorbox without Gallerific?
    I see on your homepage that colorbox is not in use.
  • Vincent,
    To explain - when I have both colorbox and gallerific set for Ardoise, I got non-useful behaviour on the album page - clicking the larger image does not show the colorbox view, but merely switches to the next image. If I have firebug turned on for the Firefox browser, it reports the error message I reported earlier - "colorbox is not a function". If I clicked a thumbnail from "random images", I got the image view I would have expected from the album page.

    I amended header.php to load the colorbox.js (from ZENFOLDER), which removed the firebug error message, but resulted in other non-helpful behaviour.

    The only stable configuration I have found is to have both colorbox and gallerific set to off, and slideshow set to jquery. see ``.
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    the only place to edit the timeout value for slideshow, is in option>plugin>slideshow : modify speed value.
    of course, you should configure other colorbox options of the slideshow (Colorbox image type, Colorbox transition, Mode).
    of course too, you should use and configure colorbox plugin (plugin used with image and album for zpArdoise theme).

    with that, you will have a colorbox slideshow on album page and image page : it is my personnal configuration on my website...

    in admin>options>theme if colorbox is checked, colorbox will used to displayed the full image.

    with that, you know all about my theme and the colorbox and slideshow plugins.

    last, if you want to modify the php files of my theme, do that in the local files on your pc and after upload them to your server.
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    @markky99 :
    colorbox plugin should be activated and configured (choose for album page of zpArdoise, for your need).

    in admin>options>theme, check gallerific and colorbox options.

    with that, colorbox will used to displayed the full image when you clik on the larger image (a clik on the thumbnail displayed next image).

    this is the configuration on this pre-prod website :
  • @vincent3569
    if you please read my third post above you will see that I had already applied your recomendations and that it will not solve the problem, thanks for taking you time.

    It's a great theme and I would really like to have this working if possible.

    Lets try again, hope I make sense..

    What I want is for colorbox to open the image when I click on a thumbnail in album page, not using gallerific.

    As it is now when clicking on thumbnail a new page opens in browser with the full zize image.
    Only way to navigate back is with back button in browser.
    When clicking on the fullzize image then colorbox works...

    And colorbox IS checked and applied everywhere possible :)

    Maybe it's not possible to open the thumbnails on the album page with colorbox?
  • Vincent, it's been a couple of days since I loaded zp-ardoise, but now that I can get colorbox working (without gallerific, biopixel), I think the errors I saw must have been while running under Xampp - an issue with colorbox not loading.

    The only minor irritant with this method is I can't see a way to get the exif data showing in the image page. I will keep testing the options. - correction - now I have the exif - not looking in the right place!
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    @biopixel :
    of course Colorbox may open the image in album page by clicking the thumbnail.
    it is some code de write but it is not on the 1.2 release of my theme ;-)

    in album page, you can have a slideshow with colorbox
    in image page, you can have a slideshow with colorbox and have the full image with colorbox
    but you can't have the full image with colorbox in album page.

    maybe in another release, if I have the time for that...
  • @vincent3569

    Everything is well then, all options with colorbox that is availible in release 1.2 works fine!

    I really look forward to a future release that have the option to show full image with colorbox in album page.

    Keep up the good work!
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    you could see beta version of 1.3 release here :
    album page may show the full image with colorbox.
    it's what you wish ?

    the release will be finalized and packaged in almost 2 weeks.
  • @vincent3569
    Wonderful, that is exactly what I want!
    Now colorbox works in album page.
    Looking forward to download ver.1.3 when released.
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator

    zpArdoise 1.3 is now avaliable and allow to have colorbox in albums page.

    more information here :
  • Thank you Vincent!
    Installed and works wonderful!
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