all my hpotos from my camera are on average 2MB i have a 7 megapixel camera. i installed the gallery fine and it works accept the thumbnails dont work and the medium size images dont work
i click on the gallery then i click on the thumbnail then i click on it again and it shows the full 2MB size picture but all other images it does't. is this a limit with GD? what i cant see is any images processed by the GD tool. Anyone else having that problem with large images. I threw in a couple of small images under 100k and they show thunbnails and the medium size picture just fine. Whats wrong?
What can I say... beta version!
This site is hosted by, a cPanel type web hosting service.
But at another of my sites, hosted at TextDrive, I've got huge honking images and they are just fine all across the board.
Oh, but what else is weird is that I have another client whose site I host at the site, where I'm having a problem, and his are just fine. And in fact, it's the SAME PHOTOS, because it's a sample album.
So could it be a subdomain issue, since the web host (and presumably the server settings) are the same for both sites, one working and one non-working (albeit in a subdomain)?
And sign me up as a tester, too. I'm quite taken with zenPhoto and its small footprint and try to employ it and recommend it whenever I can.
Thanks for any assistance.
It seems to be images that are larger than 1.9mb or so don't work. What's odd is these same photos worked fine in Gallery2 with GD (I'm looking to switching because my gallery is fairly large, and Gallery1/2 is just way too slow for my liking).