Only albumthumbs not appearing after upgrade to 1.4

I upgraded a site to 1.4 and this doesn't seem to work anymore:


Pages with only image thumbs look ok, but when trying to load a page that has only album thumbs the page gets stuck on that code. I also tried


but that doesn't work either.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You should know that this info does not tell us anything? What theme? All standard themes work as ever.

    EDIT: I never used these actually, but the functions are still there. So what does happen or not, are there any errors etc.
  • No errors. the page just stops loading at that point, so the only thing I get to see is the breadcrump and pagetitle and after that an empty page.
    I use a custom theme. Zenpage theme works fine ofcourse, but Zenpage doesn't use that function. I'll try a different one, as long as it gives me not cropped thumbs.

    This is where the pages tops loading:


  • I tried the ZenPage code for the albumthumbs, and then everything works fine, except that I get square thumbs and I don't want that. Using printAlbumThumbImage() blocks the loading of the page.
  • printCustomAlbumThumbMaxSpace('',160,160,'',''); works :)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I have to pass this to sbillard. Also please look at our post about 1.4 bugfixes. On the linked ticket are some already fixed files.
  • There has been a correction for this in the 1.4 bugfix ticket.
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