Thanks to everybody for the help in linking to the gallery I created. Now I have another question. I have 28 artists that need an individual gallery. It appears that every time I add a new album it gets appended to the first gallery in the index.php. I used new album from the admin control page. I typed inn the artist name and uploaded images. When I viewed the new album it was under the album for the first artist. Gallery|Joe Gallery|Bill Gallery in the navigation menu. I need to be able to make individual distinct galleries for each artist. Please offer suggestions on how to generate an artist specific index.php file.
Gallery--your Zenphoto installation
Album--that place where you put images (and other albums)
Now, I am not certain what you have done, but what you want to do is add the albums for your artists to the root level of the Zenphoto "albums" folder. This is the same as placing them in the root of your gallery.
If you have instead placed an album under another album (therefore a "subalbum") you can use the admin/edit/album "move" function to place it in the root.
By your above description I would guess you have created an album named "Gallery". Unfortunately that is probably not what you intended. Once you have moved the artist subalbums from that album you can remove it.
Zenphoto provides a means to assign themes to root level albums. So one option is to do that and theme each artists album as desired. But this does not make a different index.php file to link to.
Maybe some explaination is needed. There are really two significant "index.php" files in the Zenphoto architecture. First there is the "index.php" which is in the root folder of your installation. This is part of the Zenphoto core and should not be modified/replaced. Second, each theme has an "index.php" file which renders the "home page" of the theme. It is one of the scripts of the theme.
The root "index.php" script determines what "page" of a theme is being accessed and loads the appropriate script. In the case of the "home page" it loads the theme index.php script.
If you want each artist to have what appears an independent gallery, album themeing will not do it. At least not alone. Your option then are to have installations for each artist along with server subdomains pointing to them.
If you don't need a special link, of course everyone can just visit the gallery and select his ablum from the home page. The only way to get something like a home page without the above subdomain would be to style the individal artist themes so that the "album" page looked like a home page to him and then have him use a link such as http://<gallery domain>/artist to access it.