Uploading ZP thru GoDaddy - Errors

I followed the installation instructions for ZP here but when I go to the set up page I'm getting an error message. Aside from creating a mysql database thru GoDaddy was there something else I was supposed to do with the ZP files before FTPing them?

Warning: require_once(D:\Hosting\6013390\html\haf\zenphoto\zp-core/setup/setup-functions.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in D:\Hosting\6013390\html\haf\zenphoto\zp-core\setup.php on line 32

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'D:\Hosting\6013390\html\haf\zenphoto\zp-core/setup/setup-functions.php' (include_path='.;C:\php5\pear') in D:\Hosting\6013390\html\haf\zenphoto\zp-core\setup.php on line 32


  • I forgot to add....this may be part of the problem:
    I created a subdomain off my site for a test site that I'm trying to implement ZP on. I don't know if this has anything to do with it or not?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Did you look if all files were correctly uploaded? I would suggest to reupload all.
  • The error message would indicate that the zp-core/setup folder is probably missing from your install. Or the files within that folder are missing or not accessable by Zenphoto for some kind of security restriction.
  • I uploaded them twice, so I don't think the missing file is the issue. Meanwhile, I went ahead and created a separate domain/hosting account to try and re-upload everything again to see if the subdomain was the issue.

    There is very little information re: Zen Photo on Go Daddy forums but I did notice that someone said something about changing something in the configuration files from "localhost" to whatever my database is named. Problem is, I could never find where "localhost" was located. Aside from FTP all the ZP files, is there something I should have to change in the configuration files?? There is very little instruction past the general installation rules. I'm sure it is something within Go Daddy but they said it was something with ZP instead.
  • "localhost" would be configured by setup and stored in the zp-config.php file. This would have happened when you first did the install, but if you are still getting the above errors you have probably not got that far.

    Anyway, that is the database Host, not name. On most hosting sites the database server is different from the WEB server so the actual server name needs to be supplied. Godaddy would need to tell you the right name.

    There have been some posts here in the past regards Godaddy installations. I do not remember the details, but maybe something would match your issues.
  • ^ ok, I have read the above. I downloaded the ZP files (again) and am FTPing them to my new hosting site.

    I know where to go to get my Go Daddy database name but I guess I am confused as to where I'm supposed to supply that information. I was not able to find this information on any other forum on Zen Photo & I'm also currently searching within the Go Daddy forums.

    I know a little bit about mySQL but I find this extremely hard to understand. :(
  • For the second time I have downloaded the files, created a mySQL database, uploaded the ZP files thru FTP to my host account. I am getting the SAME errors. Is there anyway someone can take a look at my site & diagnose what these errors mean?

    I'd greatly appreciate it. I've been trying to use this software for over a day now.
  • I figured it out. I had my hosting set up in correctly.
  • Could you please tell everyone what they did to make this work. Surly someone else will encounter these difficulties.

    Anyway, Setup would have presented you with a form to fill in for the MySQL parameters. Should have been obvious.
  • I never got that far. :) There was never an area to enter in my database parameters because the ZP data never properly loaded. Why? Despite reading the ZP requirements, I didn't realize i had to use Linux/Apache. I had my hosting set up for Windows. I realize I am a huge idiot for this error.

    I still have further questions but they are on a different topic so I will post elsewhere.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sorry, for the inconvenience but we don't test on other servers than standard Linux Apache, we actually note about that on our installation page:
    Apache*(it may work without problems on other server systems like IIS or lighttpd but we have not tested these.
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