Sitemap call with ZP1.4


sitemap is not called from a root file anymore. it is now called like `[zenfolder]/index.php?sitemap`. there is a line in the htaccess file that allows the use of the old call `[zenfolder]/sitemap.php`.

anyway in the index.php file i see no where a case `if (isset($_GET['sitemap']))` to actually run the sitemap.

i actually tried to run it from my latest installation of zenphoto and no xml file was created in the cache_html/sitemap directory.

is there another way to call the sitemap ?



  • It's Magic Just use the URL <yoursite>/index.php?sitemap and it will run (always presuming that the plugin is enabled.) Be careful, though, like all our caching schemes, noting is cached when an `admin` is visiting the site.

    As to how the magic works--the plugin checks that query parameter when it is loaded. Nothing needed in index.php.
  • i'm learning new stuff every day with you. i'll have to check that magic out !! and in fact i forgot that there is no caching when we are logged in.
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