zenpage tables not creating -- have re-run setup numerous times

Greetings -- I've searched for a couple of days on how to resolve this. My issue is that the Zenpage plugin doesn't seem to be working. I'm trying to use the zpFocus theme and I continually get errors about a 'table' not existing. Exact error is below. I've tried re-running setup.php, I've tried to deactivate the zenpage plugin and reactivate and then rerun setup.php, I've tried to find the zenpage 'plugin' setup to run that manually but could not find that. Obviously rerunning setup.php is not working.

Zenphoto encountered an error
MySQL Query ( SELECT titlelink FROM `zp_zenpage_pages` WHERE `show` != 1 ORDER by `sort_order` ) failed. MySQL returned the error Table 'zp.zp_zenpage_pages' doesn't exist

-> query (functions-db-MySQL.php [107])
-> query_full_array (themeoptions.php [108])
-> ThemeOptions->handleOption (admin-functions.php [681])
-> customOptions (admin-options.php [2353])


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    What Zenphoto release? Is this an upgrade? Note that zpFocus is not an officially supported theme, as your error post seems to indicate it is related to its theme options.

    Actually the tables are indeed created by setup, even if you don't use Zenpage. The table is however not named `zenpage_pages` anymore, just `pages`(plus prefix if set).
  • Zenphoto release is the latest -- 1.4. Not an upgrade, clean install.

    So to use Zenpage what tables should I see for it in Mysql database? Yes this error does arise when I use a theme. Did the zenpage table used to be called zenpage_pages?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Did the zenpage table used to be called zenpage_pages?
    Yes, as I just told...

    Try one of the included standard themes, best the Zenpage theme. If that works you got a theme error which its developer has to fix. Note that zpfocus is not yet fully set up for 1.4 it seems.
  • Thanks. Yes the Zenpage theme seems to work. Seems the theme is the culprit. I'll hope for an update by the developer.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Just to add Zenpage (the plugin) does of course have several tables. Which that are you can see on a pdf included in the /doc_files folder btw.
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator

    the zenpage tables have been renamed between and 1.4.

    it seems that zpfocus, zpgalleriffic and zpardoise don't work anymore.

    to solve the problem, in themeoption.php, search for

    `$ unpublishedpages query_full_array = ("SELECT FROM titlelink. " prefix ('zenpage_pages'). "WHEREshow! = 1 ORDER BY sort_order");`

    and replace by

    `$ unpublishedpages query_full_array = ("SELECT FROM titlelink. " prefix ('pages'). "WHEREshow! = 1 ORDER BY sort_order");`

    theme will work fine.
  • Thank you vincent3569 for helping out!

    I had exactly the same problem updating to 1.4 and using zpgalleriffic, now it runs fine.
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