Use number for photo's name


First, sorry for my english...
I use zenphoto, and i really like it.

My problem :
I want to change the links at the top of page that diplay pictures.
Actually I have something like this :

Gallery Photos - 2004-2005 - Camp : Ebly - DSC07580

With "2004-2005" the first album, "Camp: Ebly" the second one, and DSC07580 the photo's name.

My problem is this ugly photo's name. I will prefer that something like "photo n°14" will be display for the name. Where the number is the number of the picture in the second album.

I don't know how i can have this number.
I know is this part of code in the image.php file that display the photo's name : <?php printImageTitle(true); ?> but i have no idea to make the change i want to do.

I hope you will be understand me, and help me.
Thanks !


Rem : maybe i can directly change the name of files in my FTP, but i need a script to change automatically the name when I upload photos. It will be better ?


  • Beyond changing the names manually, you could simply change it in the theme to use `imageNumber()` plus whatever else you want.
  • You probably do not want to change the names via FTP as that will make them "new" items so any database type information you have edited will be gone.

    BTW, do not confuse the image "name" with its "title". The name is the file name of the image on disk. The title is the "caption" you may have made for the image. The above `printImageTitle()` prints the title, not the name.

    You can easily change the title in the admin section. (You can even change the name by doing a rename in the same place.) But of course, you have to do that for each image.
  • Thanks kagutsuchi it's what i looked for !
    And for Sbillard, I have too much photos (maybe 1000 or more) than it's difficult to change all the title.

    Thank you both for this repsonse (so quick).
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