album name spoof attempt?

I'm seeing this error message all throughout my zenphoto gallery:

"Notice: Zenphoto encountered an album name spoof attempt" etc.

I see it in Firefox and IE, but not in Chrome. I have no idea what is causing this, and it's driving me nuts! Any help would be appreciated.


  • Sorry, here's the rest of the error message:

    "Notice: Zenphoto encountered an album name spoof attempt: Magazine-Scans/2009/us-weekly/outtakes/♥. in /home/robert37/public_html/photos/zp-core/class-album.php on line 55"

    There are tons of these, all with other weird symbols in the supposed album names.
  • This characer, ♥, is most likely the cause of your problem. If that is really an album name, you are having problems with the characterset of either your browser or your filesystem.

    The specific error message is because when Zenphoto processed the request, it was not able to map the name from the POST character set into the filesystem character set.
  • It's not one of my album names, that's the problem. All of my albums are named using only letters and hyphens. Here's the entire list of errors, so you can see the wide variety of random characters that are showing up:

    Notice: Zenphoto encountered an album name spoof attempt: Magazine-Scans/2009/us-weekly/outtakes/♥. in /home/robert37/public_html/photos/zp-core/class-album.php on line 55

    Notice: Zenphoto encountered an album name spoof attempt: Photoshoots/2009/scott-weiner/��一张. in /home/robert37/public_html/photos/zp-core/class-album.php on line 55

    Notice: Zenphoto encountered an album name spoof attempt: Appearances/2009/mtv-movie-awards/��張. in /home/robert37/public_html/photos/zp-core/class-album.php on line 55

    Notice: Zenphoto encountered an album name spoof attempt: Film-Roles/Twilight/Posters-and-Promos/hallmark-ecards/��资料. in /home/robert37/public_html/photos/zp-core/class-album.php on line 55

    Notice: Zenphoto encountered an album name spoof attempt: Film-Roles/Twilight/Screencaps/Twilight-Final-Trailer/�一張. in /home/robert37/public_html/photos/zp-core/class-album.php on line 55

    Notice: Zenphoto encountered an album name spoof attempt: Film-Roles/New-Moon/Posters-and-Promos/上一张/merchandise/board-game. in /home/robert37/public_html/photos/zp-core/class-album.php on line 55

    Notice: Zenphoto encountered an album name spoof attempt: Film-Roles/New-Moon/Posters-and-Promos/merchandise/�張/board-game. in /home/robert37/public_html/photos/zp-core/class-album.php on line 55

    Notice: Zenphoto encountered an album name spoof attempt: Film-Roles/New-Moon/Posters-and-Promos/上一张/merchandise/trading-cards /burger-king-trading-card. in /home/robert37/public_html/photos/zp-core/class-album.php on line 55

    Notice: Zenphoto encountered an album name spoof attempt: Film-Roles/New-Moon/Posters-and-Promos/merchandise/�張/trading-cards /burger-king-trading-card. in /home/robert37/public_html/photos/zp-core/class-album.php on line 55

    Notice: Zenphoto encountered an album name spoof attempt: Film-Roles/New-Moon/Posters-and-Promos/上一张/merchandise. in /home/robert37/public_html/photos/zp-core/class-album.php on line 55

    Notice: Zenphoto encountered an album name spoof attempt: Film-Roles/New-Moon/Posters-and-Promos/上一张/new-moon-book-cover. in /home/robert37/public_html/photos/zp-core/class-album.php on line 55

    Notice: Zenphoto encountered an album name spoof attempt: Film-Roles/New-Moon/Posters-and-Promos/上一张/merchandise/new-moon- complete-movie-companion. in /home/robert37/public_html/photos/zp-core/class-album.php on line 55

    Notice: Zenphoto encountered an album name spoof attempt: Film-Roles/New-Moon/Posters-and-Promos/merchandise/�張/new-moon-complete- movie-companion. in /home/robert37/public_html/photos/zp-core/class-album.php on line 55

    Notice: Zenphoto encountered an album name spoof attempt: Appearances/2009/Comic-Con-San-Diego/下一张/Panel-Screencaps. in /home/robert37/public_html/photos/zp-core/class-album.php on line 55

    Notice: Zenphoto encountered an album name spoof attempt: Appearances/2009/Comic-Con-San-Diego/下一张/Pattinson-Online-Exclusive- Photos. in /home/robert37/public_html/photos/zp-core/class-album.php on line 55

    Notice: Zenphoto encountered an album name spoof attempt: Appearances/2009/Comic-Con-San-Diego/下一张/Press-Conference-Screencaps. in /home/robert37/public_html/photos/zp-core/class-album.php on line 55

    Notice: Zenphoto encountered an album name spoof attempt: Film-Roles/New-Moon/Posters-and-Promos/上一张/merchandise/trading-cards. in /home/robert37/public_html/photos/zp-core/class-album.php on line 55

    Notice: Zenphoto encountered an album name spoof attempt: Film-Roles/New-Moon/Posters-and-Promos/merchandise/�張/trading-cards. in /home/robert37/public_html/photos/zp-core/class-album.php on line 55

    Notice: Zenphoto encountered an album name spoof attempt: Magazine-Scans/2008/Popstar/一張. in /home/robert37/public_html/photos/zp-core/class-album.php on line 55

    Notice: Zenphoto encountered an album name spoof attempt: Appearances/2009/mtv-movie-awards/一頁. in /home/robert37/public_html/photos/zp-core/class-album.php on line 55

    Notice: Zenphoto encountered an album name spoof attempt: Appearances/2005/Dukes-of-Hazzard-Premiere/上一张. in /home/robert37/public_html/photos/zp-core/class-album.php on line 55

    Notice: Zenphoto encountered an album name spoof attempt: Photoshoots/2008/Jeff-Riedel/上一张. in /home/robert37/public_html/photos/zp-core/class-album.php on line 55

    Notice: Zenphoto encountered an album name spoof attempt: Film-Roles/Twilight/Behind-the-Scenes/Press-Photos/上一張. in /home/robert37/public_html/photos/zp-core/class-album.php on line 55

    Notice: Zenphoto encountered an album name spoof attempt: Photoshoots/2008/entertainment-weekly-outtakes/上一页. in /home/robert37/public_html/photos/zp-core/class-album.php on line 55

    Notice: Zenphoto encountered an album name spoof attempt: Film-Roles/New-Moon/Behind-the-Scenes/下一张. in /home/robert37/public_html/photos/zp-core/class-album.php on line 55

    Notice: Zenphoto encountered an album name spoof attempt: Theatre-Roles/Tess-of-the-D'Urbervilles/下一张. in /home/robert37/public_html/photos/zp-core/class-album.php on line 55

    Notice: Zenphoto encountered an album name spoof attempt: Photoshoots/2008/Empire-Magazine-Photoshoot/下一张. in /home/robert37/public_html/photos/zp-core/class-album.php on line 55

    Notice: Zenphoto encountered an album name spoof attempt: Film-Roles/Vanity-Fair/Screencaps/下一张. in /home/robert37/public_html/photos/zp-core/class-album.php on line 55

    Notice: Zenphoto encountered an album name spoof attempt: Photoshoots/2008/InStyle-Photoshoot/下一张. in /home/robert37/public_html/photos/zp-core/class-album.php on line 55

    Notice: Zenphoto encountered an album name spoof attempt: Photoshoots/2008/Vanity-Fair-Photoshoot/下一張. in /home/robert37/public_html/photos/zp-core/class-album.php on line 55

    Notice: Zenphoto encountered an album name spoof attempt: Photoshoots/2005/Goblet-of-Fire-Photocall/下一張. in /home/robert37/public_html/photos/zp-core/class-album.php on line 55

    Notice: Zenphoto encountered an album name spoof attempt: Magazine-Scans/2000-2004/Unknown/栀琀琀瀀㨀⼀⼀眀眀眀⸀最漀漀最氀攀ⴀ愀渀愀氀礀琀椀挀猀⸀挀漀洀⼀最愀⸀樀猀. in /home/robert37/public_html/photos/zp-core/class-album.php on line 55
  • Seems someone may have hacked your site. See if such albums actually exist (check via FTP). If they do, you must have some file security issues with the site. If not, then someone is peppering your site with requests for such albums (some kind of denial of service attack, I would presume.)
  • The albums don't exist, is there a way to protect my site against these sorts of attacks? Or at the very least get rid of the error messages?
  • You would have to hack the zenphoto core to get rid of the message. Probably not a good idea since that would likely cause these "albums" to be created.

    Talk with your ISP regarding filtering these attacks.
  • I contacted my host, and they said that there have been no signs of a hacking or DDoS attack on the server. Here is what they said in regards to the error messages:

    "The most likely cause is the path names. I am not sure why there are odd characters such as a heart symbol in the path, however the server can not parse that kind of as text to pull from a legitiment path.

    Does this software allow you change the path names of the files, are these photos pulling from a database? If so make sure the database is set to utf8. The application is hitting an error on that one page from the encoding.

    You will want to check with the software support just to see if there is a way to change their encoding in one of the configuration files."

    Is this a possible fix for the problem? I really want to get rid of the error messages.
  • Zenphoto does operate in UTF-8 (unless you have changed that)
    Zenphoto does store path information in the database. However, in this case it is using the path information from the requesting URI. This URI has those characters.

    So maybe there is an issue with the links. Can you post a link to your site?
  • My ZP install is here:

    Thanks so much for your help, by the way!
  • These errors appear to be generated by whatever is making your "latest albums" display. Do you know what code is making those? We are not familiar with this theme. Perhaps you could activate one of the distributed themes and see if you have the problem.

    Also there should be additional information on this in your Debug Log. Perhaps you could post one of the (I am sure many) logged errors.
  • That's exactly what it was! I disabled the Latest Images feature and now the error messages are gone - didn't expect it to be so simple! Thank you so much!
  • Be ineresting to know what that feature does. Certainly there is some anomoly with it. These errors should not happen.

    What about the debug log, what did it show?
  • Strangely enough, I have the same theme installed on another ZP gallery and I have had no problems with using the Latest Images feature.

    I can't access the debug log, getting this error:

    "Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 1273235816 bytes) in /home/robert37/public_html/photos/zp-core/admin-logs.php on line 89"

    I've got the worst luck with this thing!
  • probably best to delete the log. If you can, enable the recent images for just a single try after that. Maybe the log will be a bit smaller then and you can open it.
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