I'm wondering if there is an easy way to add a link that looks like an album or image thumbnail alongside the other items in a folder. Gallery2 had this functionality and wondering if there is something similar to that in Zenphoto. I know I can add a text link in the description, but making it a part of the gallery would make it fit in more with the design and enable me to add items like PDFs, etc. I know there is a class-PDF plugin but I couldn't get that to work, and I want to be able to add Word documents as well. It would be great if I could program Zenphoto to display all .pdf and .doc/.docx files as well as the present .jpg/.mp3 files. Thanks!
WRT PDF files, the textObject plugin will indeed do that using the google docs web site. see docs.google.com/gview
You can also make a plugin similar to the textobject one that will use a local application to open the document. But of course, that is not much use unless you know that all your users have the appropriate application installed on all the computers from which they will view your site.
Basically all I need is a download link, not a viewable link.
Regarding the thumbnail, all I wanted was a thumbnail just like one representing a .jpg file; they click on it and it goes to the linked location or file.
which I could not get to work...
Thanks! Just found your post. I wish there were a "follow" option in this forum, I have this marked as a favorite but don't notice if there are responses to it.
I'll see if I can make sense out of how to use your image object.
Edit: could you please post a link? I assume svn has to do with developers and code... I could be just blind.
I figured out the svn has to do with Zenphoto repository but I'm still searching for where I might find that...
1. One for possible bugfixes of the last official release:
This and the generated nightly build are linked on our download page.
2. The development stream is here: http://www.zenphoto.org/trac/browser/branches/development