today I found zenphoto during a research for a project. Thanks for developing this great product.
I would like to know if all this can be achieved with zenphoto standalone (without wordpress, etc.).
-Navigation Menu linking to galleries and these "static" pages: contact, imprint, about me.
-a password+username protected download section for each client where the customer must login and can download only his associated files and not be able to do anything else (except the public browsing).
Which template/theme would be the best to achieve this by editing it? If I understand zenpage correctly this would create the static pages and menu manager the links, right?
The documentation seems not to cover this features in detail!?
Thank you for your help. Any advice is appreciated.
Please review the user rights tutorial on our user guide. Then you find some hints how to do this here:
http://www.zenphoto.org/support/topic.php?id=8481#post-49995 (Note the changes regarding Zenphoto 1.4+).
Also search the functions documentation. I think the best theme for a start would be the Zenpage theme.
BTW: this would be a great feature in zenphoto since photographs tend to this all the time.
see the `printAlbumZip()` function and the option `enable persistent archives`. The function would normally allow anyone who can view the album to download the zip of it. Beware: Processing of large albums may excede the memory limits of your installation.
Also available of course is the download of the individual image from the image page.