Pages are stored but not rendered (zenpage)

Hi Forum,
I have a working ZP-Setup. Just tried to activate Zenpage with following problems:

Within the admin-panel my pages or news are editable and will be stored but they don't appear on the frontpage of my gallery. The preview (button with the blue circle) out of the editor doesn't work too, I get an "object not found"-error (url:

Where lies my mistake?
# Zenphoto-Version [5831] (Offizielle Version)
# Derzeit aktives Galerie-Theme: Default
# PHP-Version: 5.2.14
# Grafikunterstützung: PHP GD library bundled (2.0.34 compatible)
# PHP-Speicherbeschränkung: 64M (Anmerkung: Ihr Server weist möglicherweise weniger Speicher zu!!)
# MySQL-Version: 5.0.51a


  • Your error is that the `default` theme does not contain Zenpage support. Of the distributed ones, only Zenpage[sic] and Effervescence+ have the requisit implementation.
  • Many thanks Stephen,
    I misread "Von den Standardthemes unterstützen Zenpage default und effervescence+ Zenpage." and thought, using "default" theme I'm on the right way.

    Please allow me another remark, maybe it is of interest:

    I just edited and saved a page and left the field "Titellink" blank by mistake. Zenpage gave an error, but after that I had a "page without title" which was undeletable. Any attempt to delete was answered with following error:

    Zenphoto encountered an error
    MySQL-Abfrage ( DELETE FROM
    WHERE type='zenpage_pages'
    AND objectid= ) fehlgeschlagen.
    MySQL gab den Fehler You have an error in your SQL
    syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your
    MySQL server version for the right syntax to use
    near '' at line 1 zurück
    That missing titlelink also prevented any other pages to be displayed, when watching from the gallery.

    Finally I went to phpmyadmin and did a
    `DELETE FROM 'usr_X'.'zp_zenpage_pages'WHERE'zp_zenpage_pages'.'id'= 1`
    Now everything works flawless.
  • I misread "Von den Standardthemes unterstützen Zenpage default und effervescence+ Zenpage."
    That's one of the reasons we renamed the Zenpage theme to omit "default":)

    You should upgrade to the 1.4 realease (better, the release or nightly build.) What you did is the only correction for the release you are on.
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