GoogleMap API

I have setup zenphoto, and activated the GoogleMap API, When I first activated it I saw something for the API Key, at the time I didnt have the key, so I continued setting up all the other options like I wanted them on zenphoto, now that I have evertyhing like I want them, I went back to the GoogleMap API, I got a API key, and now I can not find where to put the KEY in.


  • Google has replaced the API used in the old googleMaps plugin so we have replaced it with a new plugin. Since the new API does not use an API key, the new plugin does not request it.
  • Thanks, much better than beating my head against the wall looking for where I can put the API Key. So I need to add some photos with exif and location data for the map to show up ?
  • That, and of course, the theme you are using must support the maps plugin.
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