Thumbnails no display...

I don't get it!

I am totally frustrated!


  • updated link + fresh reinstall still no thumbnails:

    Why do you have to make this so hard on people, come on, plug and play is the way!
  • This is a complete fresh install why is the program not making a thumbnail or something for the albumb? I am totally confused!
  • 1. Your rewrite base is incorrect.. modify your .htaccess file to say /zenphoto instead of /zp

    2. Are your cache and albums directory chmod777

    and I know I have said this before but... I will say it again.

    I feel that the default installation should be with mod-rewrite turned off. This will stop soooo many of the "installation failures" due to not knowing if their server supports mod-rewrite or how to change the rewrite base in the .htaccess file. I understand there are instructions but nobody follows them. Also, the folder in the zenphoto download says zenphoto yet the default rewrite base in the .htaccess file is /zp.
    I think these cause much confusion for the users and no matter how many times we can emphasize reading the directions. people dont. They want it plug n' play.

    Consider this my formal request. :-)
  • tahnks this is what my .htaccess displays:
    ErrorDocument 500 /error.php
    ErrorDocument 404 /error.php
    ErrorDocument 401 /error.php
    ErrorDocument 403 /error.php
    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$ [OR]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.$
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ [R=301,L]


    What do you mean by, "Your rewrite base is incorrect.. modify your .htaccess file to say /zenphoto instead of /zp"

    Yes I CHMOD both folders to 777
  • And yes, no matter how hard you enforce the rules, somethings must go plug and play, in the realm of products, you must set your products to function with a quick snap of a finger, no having to edit all these confusing mod rewrite stuff, people lose interest in the product, not all people in the internet are web techies! we can only follow so little, we just want to go go go and play play play! thats what the consumer wants
  • your .htaccess file is not the zenphoto .htaccess file. Reupload the zenphoto one after you change the rewrite base from /zp to /zenphoto
  • I see it, let's see!

    it works, thanks.
  • Could someone, please please please, take a look at my zenphoto gallery too.

    I seem to be unable to get the htaccess files right as well. I have been able to make the gallery work with rewrite-rules (by commenting the rewritebase, so not using the rewrite base)

    In that case it though continously gives an error saying that the album doesn't exist:

  • try manually specifying the paths in the zp-config.php
  • trisweb Administrator
    "And yes, no matter how hard you enforce the rules, somethings must go plug and play, in the realm of products, you must set your products to function with a quick snap of a finger, no having to edit all these confusing mod rewrite stuff, people lose interest in the product, not all people in the internet are web techies!"

    fuBar, this is beta software; we make many assumptions and no guarantees. Use at your own risk. Please do not complain to us when you lack the ingenuity to install it; we are providing it as a free open software and trying to do our best to help those who want to use it.

    This is not a product, you are not a customer, and in the realm of the Real World, you have to learn things. Go, have fun, try things, fail, start over, learn, and have fun in the process. Don't expect everything to be done for you for free.

    Sorry, I'm frustrated with this project and all the demands being placed upon it. Remember who you're talking to, and trust me, I know better than you the target audience of my "product". Condescention belittles you my friend. Sorry.
  • >>try manually specifying the paths in the zp-config.php

    I tried that, but no succes. Besides if that would be the problem; how come that if the right paths cannot be found by zenphoto, it does show the list of albums and even the list of photo's in each album (so mod-rewrite is working), but shows no theme and no final pictures nor thumbnails.....?
  • I am sorry, I dont think I followed your question to begin with.
    "(by commenting the rewritebase, so not using the rewrite base)"
    You still need to set modrewrite=false in the zp-config.
  • Chilifrei64,

    I think I haven't been providing you with enough info. This is how my gallery "works" now:

    1) I've set mod_rewrite to "true"
    2) At first that broke my gallery, but emailing my hosting-company made THEM commenting the rewrite-base line in the htaccess file...
    3) ...that made my gallery work with short adresses as it should with mod_rewrite, apparantly they don't allow the rewrite-base line in htaccess files.
    4) BUT, now that works I get the error "album does not exist" and no pictures can be seen -->

    SO, mod_rewrite works for the albums on the first (or home-) page, but not for the eventual pictures and albums on the 2nd page....

    I also tried "manualy" setting the paths in the last lines of zp-config, but that didn't seem to work either...I tried various variations of:
    `define('WEBPATH', '/');

    define('SERVERPATH', '/public/sites/');`

    What do I miss?
  • what we are missing is if modrewrite is set to true in the zp-config.php then you NEED the rewritebase set in the .htaccess

    everything else works fine. If your host doesnt support rewrite rules in the .htaccess file then zenphoto rewrite needs to be set to false.
  • I know that. And my gallery works completely fine with rewrite set to false. But...

    My host supports rewrite rules, yet they have intentionally taking out the rewrite_base rule because they say they don't use that and it's not needed for their system....

    So I have modrewrite set to true in zp-config.php and the rewrite rules seem to be working if you click on the albums, cause it shows the album (layout) with the **short** (and therefor i suppose, rewritten) adress name. The problem is that no images are shown...

    My host also says, they think that there is something wrong with the rewrite rules. But I just took the one from zenphoto, only difference is the rewrite_base which is commented now....

    You still think I really really NEED the rewrite_base, even though my host commented it their selves? Cause then I'm really lost ;)

  • I have been answering questions on this board for over a year now and of every problem I have seen regarding modrewrite, it is always a couple of things.
    either your host doesnt support it(which is not the case here)
    You dont have a .htaccess file
    Your .htaccess file rewrite base is incorrect or missing

    with that being said. I havent messed with mod-rewrite all that much except on one of my hosts and it works just fine. I do know however that zenphoto, since I have been working with it ,has long had a problem with path issues and if it isnt installed in a specific manner then it will not work. The only reason I say it is because I am not a modrewrite expert and I am just repeating what has worked in the past.
    Maybe tris can comment in on this issue with his thoughts.
  • After working with Tris and Skwid while getting the Thinkdreams theme slideshow functionality working, we did come across a few mod rewrite bugs that Tris pointed out (somewhere on the forum the article exists). But this bug only surfaced since we (Skwid and I) were doing different things to the mod rewrite to get the slideshow to work properly.

    Note that the basic mod rewrite does need to be installed in a specific fashion as is documented, but I've noticed that other than the rewrite_base, it doesn't need to be messed with too much to work. And it's worked well on all the installations I've done so far.

    Note also that sometimes, on some hosts, unix permissions to the htaccess file may present a problem.
  • Chilifrei64, thinkdreams, thanks for the thoughts. I really appreciate your help!

    Could the fact that I use subdomains create a problem ( instead of

    But, my host doesn't allow me to use the rewrite_base anyway, if I do, an error comes up. A 500 internal error also comes if I give files full permissions (777), my host doesn't allow that either...

    Why is that rewrite_base rule so important actually? With for instance snews ( ) the rewrite part works perfect without a rewrite_base...?

    thanks again
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