I suddenly lost all my tags and ratings...

Suddenly I saw, that all tags and ratings of my gallery with about 400 pictures lost. I don't no how could this happen... All pictures in place, but all tags and ratings of pictures has gone. I am afraid to loose tags of other galleries in future.
Is somewhere one button which accidentally I can push and delete all tags from gallery?
Is it possible to restore tags from server maybe? Do you have idea? Can you help me?


  • Zenphoto does provide a backup/restore facility. Did you make use of it? Your host may also have done database backups. You can contact him about those.

    Tags can also be stored as metadata in the image itself. You would have to do this with some kind of PC software like Adobe Bridge. But if stored within the image they are never lost.
  • No I didn't use backup/restore button yet. I am afraid little bit from this button, because tags lost only in one gallery. But this backup/restore button if I right understand is for all galleries together.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I doubt that the quite ancient 1.2.2 version you seem to be using has this database backup/restore button at all. How many Zenphoto installs do you have as you talked about "galleries"?

    So in short, if you don't have a backup of your database and the tags are not stored in the image meta data they are probably lost.
  • Yes, I use 1.2.2 version. There is my home page http://www.karikatura.lv/zenphoto/ I have 9 galleries or folders.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Then you have 1 gallery with 9 albums. Please use the right terms to avoid missunderstandings.
  • Well, 1.2.2 does indeed have the backup/restore facility. But, yes, it does backup/restore the whole gallery[sic]. But what it the problem with that?

    Anyway, unless you have made backups somehow, data lost is data lost.
  • One more question. Now I add keywords in the image itself with Photoshop - File info. But when I upload this image in my ZenPhoto gallery, I can't see these keywords anywhere. Would nice if these keywords after uploading image in ZenPhoto transform into ZenPhoto tags. Can I do something wrong? Is my ZP version 1.2.2 support added keywords in the image itself?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Zenphoto does exactly this. But again 1.2.2 is ancient and not supported anymore. Your best chance is to update to the current
  • gatis Member
    Thanks for answer. I just afraid update to, because I have reed about some errors in process of that. Is there a way how to do safe update? Would be very sad, if in update process I loose some more tags or anything else...
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You would have to upgrade in version by version steps. We don't test direct upgrades from such old versions.
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