This is not a question, but rather simply a post in case my experiences might help others trying to do a similar task.
My gallery is constructed as a custom theme and though I updated a lot of images over the last few years, I didn't update my ZenPhoto version past 1.2.7.
The upgrade instructions indicate that there is no guarantee that a multi-jump upgrade (i.e., from 1.2.7 to, say, 1.3.1) works and that if trouble occurs, one should instead attempt single-jump upgrades.
I'm writing to report that I did indeed encounter some problems with multi-jump upgrades, many of which were alleviated by doing single-jump upgrades. Here is a history of my findings, as well as I can remember them:
- I first tried to jump from 1.2.7 to 1.3.1. I got an error (unfortunately, I can't remember the error now). Then I went back to 1.2.7 and tried to go to 1.3.0. Same error.
- Then I went back to 1.2.7 and upgraded to 1.2.8. One significant thing changed I believe (the behavior of getImageTitle, but I'm dealing with that elsewhere in the forums and that may be a mistake on my part). Everything else worked.
- Then I upgraded from 1.2.8 to 1.2.9 without issue.
- Then I upgraded from 1.2.9 to 1.3.0. I encountered a few bugs in my image.php file that had to do with deprecated functions. Fortunately, these were functions that I wasn't actually using (the rating system), so I simply deleted them. This could be more problematic for people who are actually using the rating systems.
- Then I upgraded from 1.3.0 to 1.3.1 without issue.
- Then I upgrade from 1.3.1 to (skipping 1.4.0). At this point I was informed that significant changes to my database would occur. I had a backup, so I continued. All my pages were error-ridden at this point. I removed a number of additional deprecated functions (password stuff, shutterfly stuff, normalizeColumns, <?php zenJavascript(); ?>, etc.). In most cases the hints that it gave me, together with FireBug in Firefox were enough for me to figure things out. Some took longer than others, but in a less than an hour I had a functional site again.
I still have a few issues noted during the configuration that I'd like to resolve: mbstring.internal_encoding and UTF8 image URIs, but I believe these should be the topic of a different post.
Hopefully this info is helpful to somebody else going through a similar process.