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Is there a way to get "getprevpageurl" when going from page 2 to return instead of ?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Where is the difference actually? is a kind of short term for (whatever).
  • For this site will actually give you which is the opening page for the site, need it to go to the which is the core of the site.
  • There is no need to go back to the entrance of the site when going from page2 to page1. Know what I mean?
  • So, you are "sharing" the root of you site between some non-zenphoto home page and the Zenphoto index.php. Certainly that is not a good idea, nor good web practice.

    I suggest you install Zenphoto in a subfolder.
  • Wow .. have I made you mad or something?

    I had no other choice to do what I have done... I am asking if there is a fix... Can I change something somewhere to make it work?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Wow .. have I made you mad or something?
    Certainly not, but I have to agree to what my collegue said. You have a choice as suggested.

    There is no fix as there is nothing to fix at all... If you really need this you will have to create a bunch of custom functions for your theme.
  • I had no other choice to do what I have done...
    You certainly did have other choices. Specifically the one I suggested. If you choose not to go that route you will have to customize your theme as acrylian has suggested.
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