Print first level albums from second level albums

Hello all,
I've got album named,for example,'graphics' and subalbums 'birds' and 'fishes' in it. I need to print links to 'birds' and 'fishes' in both of them. How I can do it?

PS. Sorry for my bad english ;)


  • If you "know" the names of the albums you can make static links using the form `http://domain/zenphoto folder/graphics/birds` and `http://domain/zenphoto folder/graphics/fishes` (This assumes mod_rewrite is enabled for your site.)

    If you need to discover the subalbums you can use the object model: `$mainAlbumObject->getAlbums(0);` This will return, in the case of your example, an array containing `[birds, fishes]` You create the links from there.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You could also use the print_album_menu plugin with appropiate settings.
  • sbillard, thanks! I will try to use getAlbums() function.
    acrylian, I tried, but I failed =\
  • getAlbums() gets ALL albums from gallery, i don't need it. And I don't know how to get names and etc. of that albums..
    how to use print_album_menu plugin for my need?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    No, it is also a album class method which means used on an album it gets its direct subalbums.

    Regarding the album menu please see the documentation.
  • I can't find which variable I must use, can you help me?
    (now it's $_zp_current_album->getAlbums(), that's not right)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The $_zp_current_album variable containing the object of the current album is only setup in album context. (next_album loop or on album.php). To use a specific album outside of that you have to setup the album object before hand. Please take the time to read a little on the theming tutorial and the object model tutorial.
  • Sorry, but English isn't my native language, so reading manuals for me is very hard. Can you just give me source?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sorry, our site is English only. Examples are in those tutorials.
  • I don't get which variable I must use
  • Last questions:
    1. how to get album name from Album object?
    2. is there any function to get name of parent album from subalbum?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
  • I made it like this:
    foreach($a as $val) {
    $b = new Album($_zp_gallery,$val,true);
    echo "name.">".$b->data[title]."";
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