I have a strange behaviour in zenpage. When you have a watermark and you want to use the colorbox to render the picture, the watermark doesn't appear.
I try to change the getunprotetedImageURL() to getFullImageURL() but i have planty for ascii caracter in the colorbox.
I look at the last zpGalleriffic_v1.4 code and it's works fine.
Can someone help me with that issue ?
Edit : works fine with the add of `photo:true` to the code.
i have trouble with it, too. I have have try to add this but it dont works for me. Can you tell me where i have to add the photo:true?
I the codeline in my image.php should be this one, am I right?
<?php if (($zpmin_finallink)=='colorbox') { ?>" title="<?php echo getBareImageTitle();?>"><?php printCustomSizedImage(getAnnotatedImageTitle(),550); ?><?php } ?>
How and where exactly do I have to add the "photo:true"? I am using the theme zpminimal v1.4.1a
Would be great if you could help me!
That is usuallly located in the head of the theme file.