zenpage and colorbox


I have a strange behaviour in zenpage. When you have a watermark and you want to use the colorbox to render the picture, the watermark doesn't appear.
I try to change the getunprotetedImageURL() to getFullImageURL() but i have planty for ascii caracter in the colorbox.
I look at the last zpGalleriffic_v1.4 code and it's works fine.
Can someone help me with that issue ?



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You have to change the configuration of the colorbox JS on the theme. It is not setup for protected images currently (even if it sometimes seems not to work.. You have to add `photo: true` which forces colorbox to treat everything as a image (see the colorbox website for the correct writing). Alternatively you might try the iFrame method as the proctected full images are actually called on a page .
  • Ok, i will try that.

    Edit : works fine with the add of `photo:true` to the code.

  • Hi there...

    i have trouble with it, too. I have have try to add this but it dont works for me. Can you tell me where i have to add the photo:true?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    On the theme page where the colorbox definitions are set. In this case image.php.
  • Hi, I have just the same problem and sadly know next to nothing about PHP :/

    I the codeline in my image.php should be this one, am I right?

    <?php if (($zpmin_finallink)=='colorbox') { ?>" title="<?php echo getBareImageTitle();?>"><?php printCustomSizedImage(getAnnotatedImageTitle(),550); ?><?php } ?>

    How and where exactly do I have to add the "photo:true"? I am using the theme zpminimal v1.4.1a

    Would be great if you could help me!
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    In the jQuery setup define for the Colorbox. See: http://jacklmoore.com/colorbox/
    That is usuallly located in the head of the theme file.
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