I am not sure why, but very large images do not seem to thumbnail/populate until you click the direct image URL.
link :
http://vivithemage.com/zen/vivi/gallery : 600T
you can see in the gallery, no images either, just the url/link :
http://vivithemage.com/zen/vivi/600T/image does indeed exist :
http://vivithemage.com/zen/albums/vivi/600T/P1000014.JPGIs there something I need to check to allow this large of images?
EDIT : nevermind, now I do.
Your image is huge and your server probably not able to process it because of that. Please see the troubleshooting.
# 8.2 MP Image, 3571 x 2302 pixels => needs ~41.7 MB Memory
I have the memory for these size images. My server has 8GB. Do I need to specify somewhere that I do have the memory available? I bumped PHP's limit to 250MB, no luck.
Album: vivi/600T
Image: &debug
Where are the CGI logs? I have cPanel if there is a GUI way of getting at them.
However, when I try to access the correct URL it seems to fail to access the i.php script. It is possible that your server is configured to not allow dynamic image feeds. But more likely it is failing to render the image, so the CGI logs are the thing needed.
But you have quite large images. Probably bigger than needed (depends on what else you wish to do with them.) It is pretty common for servers not to be able to render such large images.
Some people have had more luck in these cases with imagick. If you have such support you could try enabling that graphic library.
I know they're installed. Why isn't the option there? Do I need to reboot the server after installing ImageMagick?
How would I enable php to access it? Is there a script I can run that will show me if I am ready/compatible?
Where your CGI logs are depends on how you have set up your server. The `ScriptLog` directive sets where mod_cgi dumps its logs. Perhaps it is also possible that the errors are sent straight to `stderr`. We don't know your server setup, so we really can't say where they would be. You will have to find them yourself.
ImageMagick and imagick are installed. I do a Yum Install ImageMagick or imagick and they already say installed.
By the way, thanks for the help!!
easyapache just shows me the options of what PHP can do, and the options were not there.
How/what should I add into the php.ini file? Should I do the global one (What is the location for that?)?
Is it possible to not have to globally edit it? Or is that the only way? Once I find that php.ini file, or can I do it for my user account?
Is there another way I could try this as well? Or is ImageMagick my only real fix?