My user id and pwd not working. If i use the capcha forget password link it shows "zenphoto_sendmail failed to send The Zenphoto information you requested to one or more recipients"
"there were some broken files in the zp-core folder. I renamed your old one to zp-core.brokena and replaced it and now the site is back up."
Since that day if i go to my site it shows up but my login ids dont work. Even reset pwd by means of CAPCHA doesnot send any email back to reset the pwd. If i go to my C-panel it does show two folders now 1) ZP-CORE 2) ZP-CORE.BROKEN
I don't suppose you even tried the other means of resetting your password that the troubleshooting guide mentions? Give us a break. You have to actually do some effort in this support process. Unless you want to give me all your BlueHost credentials I can hardly fix this for you. (Even if you did, I would not!)
"there were some broken files in the zp-core folder. I renamed your old one to zp-core.brokena and replaced it and now the site is back up."
Since that day if i go to my site it shows up but my login ids dont work. Even reset pwd by means of CAPCHA doesnot send any email back to reset the pwd. If i go to my C-panel it does show two folders now 1) ZP-CORE 2) ZP-CORE.BROKEN
Please help.