SEARCH context: pagination and next_image


i am a bit puzzled about the `hasNextPage` function in the search context.

here is what i do. i have set my image number per page to 9. my search returns 26 matches. that is 3 pages (9+9+8).

what i do to display the images is a loop using `next_image(false,9)`. i specify 9 otherwise the loop outputs 10 images which is incompatible with my theme. doing this i get 9 images on the first page. good.

at the bottom of the page i put some pagination link like this
`if ( hasNextPage() ) { printNextPageLink('Next Page >'); }`. on the first page do get the NEXT link. good.

if i click on the pagination link i end up on the second page of the search result (url page/search/keyword/2). there i see 9 images because of my theme but if i look at the code source there are actually 10 images listed. so i definitely miss 1 image that is not going to be displayed on the third page. and also what is weird is that for some reason the `hasNextPage()` function returns FALSE. i don't understand because if I print the current page number (`getCurrentPage()`) it says 2 and the total page number (`getTotalPages()`) says 3.

am i doing something wrong here ?

thank you,


  • FYI, in the theme option i have the `Images: thumbnails per page` set to 9. options have been applied. but if i echo `getOption('images_per_page')` i get 10 instead of 9.
  • although i do not explicitly use `images_per_row` in my theme page, the option has to match the design otherwise it gets screwed. there must be some internal checks or calculations. anyway the `next_image` issue is fixed. i am left with the `hasNextPage` returning FALSE when it should be TRUE.

    i'm sure i am doing something wrong somewhere but i can't find what. if you can point me to a direction that would be awesome.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Just to answer I have no idea right now. sbillard is the expert on the search engine anyway.
  • All the information on thumbs per page and per row must match your layout. Otherwise things just do not work. These data are used when computing things like # pages, etc.
  • thanks. i found that out. i didn't realize it was actually used since i didn't refer to these options myself. once this done i also had to return the `next_image` call to `next_image(false)` (and not `next_image(false, 9)` to get the pagination to work properly. all is working now.
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