download album as zip does not function

I am running zenphoto version
My download as zip links look like this:

but sometimes they add an additional %20 in there dic_Palo_Negro

It shows up fine in the browser status bar, but comes out looking like the above.

Even when the link works properly, I get an empty zip file or it is reported that others got one with php files in it. The actual zip files on the server are correct. Sizes range around 10MB to 200MB.

Thanks for any suggestions you can offer.



  • More:
    In Firefox, the link shows right in the status bar but the download file name has %20 in it. In IE, the status bar shows %20 but the download file is the right name. Neither produce a file with anything in it...
  • The %20 is because of the space in the album folder name. So one thing you could try is to rename the album without the space. I did a quick test of a download of an album wiht a space in the name and it worked fine.

    Other possibilities: That alubm seems to have only MP3 files in it. Maybe that is the issue?
  • A test album of two photos worked just fine.

    Regarding the %20, I cannot find any space in the album name, just underscores. That likely isn't the main issue though.

    Thanks for the filetype tip. I cleared the test album and uploaded both .jpg and .mp3 into it and only the .jpg files showed up in the zip. So that is the issue. Is there a way to enable zip creation of mp3 files in the album as well (telling it to see the .mp3 extension also)?
  • You have not looked hard enough. There is a space there exactly where the %20 appears.

    As to the ZIP, we would have to look into that. I would presume it should be possible to capture all the "image type" files. Best create a featrue request ticket for that so it gets on our list to investigate.
  • Oops, what a small space :)

    Ok, thanks.
  • after further research... the download as zip works just fine with .mp3 files in my other gallery which is zenphoto version So either I have a setting changed, my installation didn't work right, or the download as zip function doesn't work the same way on the new version.... is this still an issue to be covered in the feature requests?

    Perhaps someone else could verify if an .mp3 file works with zip file download on their updated gallery...
  • I am not aware that we changed anything with respect to zip files, but ofcourse, some side-effect could have caused this. Still, the recommendation is the same. Make a ticket so the request does not get forgot.
  • fretzl Administrator, Developer
    Zenphoto , Effervescence+ theme.
    Album with jpg, mp3, flv and mp4 files.
    The downloaded ZIP file only contains the jpg files.
  • Ok, it was in fact a very obscure side-effect of changes made. Simple fix, though. Will be in the nightly tonight.

    Seems album-zip thought it did not need plugins loaded. Unfortunately, that meant all the non-standard image objects did not get loaded, so no non-standard image files were recognized.
  • Thanks for the fast fixing.

    I've never done nightly build implementation before. I just copy in the files and overwrite existing ones right? I'm guessing my theme won't need modification since you likely changed the function(s) it refers to only?

    It says I need to run setup.php... I use simplescripts, do I still do this, and where do I find it? There are some setup files in the setup folder but none are plain setup.php.

    Thanks again.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You install a nightly build as normal. We don't support installs done via SimpleScripts or similar as clearly stated on the forum rules and on installation/upgrade page. On that page you find the instructions.
  • If you have installed with simplescripts we DO NOT recommend upgrading to this build. We have had considerable problems with people who attempt to upgrade simplescripts insatllations.
  • Ok, so I'm still unclear on the SimpleScripts issue. I thought that was just for installation issues connected with SimpleScripts. I am asking an unrelated question, and it was a valid problem associated with the new release... by the way, I haven't noticed anything terrible about SS thus far.

    From your experience, do you recommend that I reinstall my galleries without Simplescripts?

    I'm still having a hard time finding my way around in here, and can't find the statement about SimpleScripts support. I did find this post though, is it the best ref for installing my site again if I choose to?
  • What we have observed from posts of various users who have installed via simplescripts (or other third party installers) is that they tend to experience failures that no one else sees. This is specially true if the simplescripts installation is upgraded.

    The failures have mostly to do with passwords--these seem to become invalidated upon upgrading. But other issues also occur. Most likely the well intentioned individuals making these install scripts overlook some important bit of the Zenphoto install.

    I really do not understand why the scripts do not just incorporate the Zenphoto setup process. Seems to me that would be less likely to cause problems. But maybe they want to protect the user from having to create their Zenphoto password? (Probably resulting in the above mentioned password issues.)
  • Can you clarify your policy for people with external scripts or supply a link to where it is explained? If I used simple scripts to install ZP, am I perpetually "banned" from the forum even if I have a working installation? If this is the case, I would rather reinstall now before I run into a problem later. Bluehost is willing to work with me on installation issues but they don't know as much about ZP as the developers!
  • You are, of course, welcome on the forum. Just do not expect us to support the installation. For instance, the above bug you reported will get corrected. But how you get this fix to work on your site is your problem.

    You can try installing the nightly build over your simplescript installation. However I would not do that on a production site. If the upgrade works, great. If it fails we cannot help. We do not recommend the upgrade since it so often fails.

    You would certainly be better off with a clean working installation based on the Zenphoto install. Otherwise you may be dependent on simplescripts being updated to get any updates.
  • Ok, thanks for the clarification.
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