Refreshing download as zip files and zip caching

Is there a way to refresh the "upload as zip" zip file (if it is cached) or do I need to simply delete the existing zip, or is it refreshed at intervals? I purged html and image caches just to verify they weren't tied in somehow.

Regarding caching, I thought I saw an option to create the zip on the fly a while back rather than keeping a copy on the server. Can someone tell me if that is still available with the latest zp version, and where I find it in admin?



  • If you are talking of the option for persistent archives, the zip file is not refershed. You would have to remove it if the album is updated. The file is stored in the album folder.

    If this option is not set, the zip file is created on the fly.
  • Ah, that was it. Thanks for the info.
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