zenpage comes in chinese, can't do installation

I uploaded all the files to my webserver. When I browsed to the installation address I got the Zenpage, but in Chinese. There were some errors dispayled on that page, but can't read them because in Chinese. Tried to change the language but then zenpage is gone. Can you help me?


  • You can delete the Chinese language files. But you really should question the source of your browser. If you are seeing Chinese, then it is requesting Chinese as its prefered language.
  • prefered language of my browser is Dutch. Where do I delete the Chinese language files? I have basic knowledge.
  • In the locale folder. I suggest you print out `$_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']` to see what it shows. Zenphoto will take the list of languages from that string, in the order it presents and use the first match with a Zenphoto supported language.

    If Chinese is not in that list, there is probably something wrong with locale handling on the server.

    In any case, this is all done when "HTTP accept language" is chosen. If you select a language by option then the browser preference is ignored. (Of course, your site visitors must all be fluent in that language then.)
  • I managed to install Zenphoto. The installation page was still in Chinese but thanks to a tutorial video on you tube I could fill in my Mysql data and hit the "ok" button beneath that field. Then I could change language to mine (Dutch).
    So you see, even for a website dummie like me you always can find a solution.
    Thanks for your help and sugestions anyway.
    Now I am a very happy Zenphoto user
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