~user_name/zenphoto/ path

Is there any workaround to the ~user_name/zenphoto/index.php path
i.e. http://www.mydomainname.com/~user_name/zenphoto/index.php

I notice that in some implementations e.g. the zenphoto demo , there is no '~'
but in my installation and other examples it is present.

It makes the http address tidier if the '~user/' is not there and its preferable not have my user name in the path.
I could not find any help in the archives/search forum


  • Sorry, but this is not a zenphoto issue, it is with your ISP. that ~user_name is part of your domain, not something to do with zenphoto. Take it up with your provider. They may have an alternative for you.
  • thanks , but can you explain it?
    the ~user_name/path is created by the zenphoto php scripts on the menu items and links.

    The zenphoto main index.php script is in:
    and the index gallery page loads perfectly.
    When i click on any on the menu item e.g 'archives' I get:
    "http://www.my_domain.com/~my_username/zenphoto/index.php?p=archive" in the address bar
    the '~my_username' seems to prefix the path.
    It works perfectly finebut I was wanting to know why zenphoto was creating this dynamic path.
    Is this a security issue that is created my the zenphoto scripts?
    On browsing the forum I have seen other users with this format in their examples.
    Is it to do with the type of server that zenphoto is on?
    Mine is a unix based server.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    As my collegue said contact your host about this as this may be a server configuration issue. Zenphoto by itself does not put the user name in there. The archive link should be `www.my_domain.com/zenphoto/index.php?p=archive` or wiht modrewrite `www.my_domain.com/~my_username/zenphoto/page/archive`.
  • If your site does indeed work both with and without the ~user, you can set the WEBPATH define in zp-config.sys to the path excluding the ~user.
  • Thanks sbillard.
    This worked an absolute treat.
    A 10 minute fix.
    I uncommented the WEBPATH line in zp-config.sys to:
    define('WEBPATH', '');
    and its works
    I am using zpgalleriffic 1.4 and it looks great
    thanks again
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