Wordpress Header works - CSS a bit corrupted

Dear All,

I managed to get a wordpress header to work in my Zenphoto installation, you can see my test site here:


I seem to have inadvertently messed up the CSS for the body of the page, does anyone have any idea where I went wrong?

Any help would be very much appreciated!

Best wishes,



  • looking at your CSS links it appears you've got two #main css divs declared, it likely has something to do with that. What you'll probably have to do is make a copy of your zenphoto theme (appears you're using default with light settings) and then go in and make edits to the divs etc. I'd suggest something simple for you to remember such as #main-zenphoto etc so it's easy for you to decipher when looking back over things later.

    You might also want to share how you've done your integration as I know quite a few people were attempting it previously and it was broken when wordpress upgraded to 3.0. I'm sure some in the community would be quite happy to know how.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The Ruzee/Regilsson way still works. This is what we currently use on our site as well. What does not is the "Zenphoto as a plugin" way and that is because of a Wordpress change.
  • Hmm, I'll have to take a look at that method. I was always attempting the "Zenphoto as plugin" method.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The plugin way does not work because of a change by Wordpress. This for quite some time and noted on the related user guide entries as well. WP calls the template files now from within a function instead of directly. This means this basically clears all the global objects/contexts Zenphoto requires to run correctly. No easy way around this and we actually don't really care either...use Zenpage instead...;-)
  • I'm sure there'll be an updated plugin along eventually, and when Zenphoto becomes as customisable as Wordpress (which I'm sure it will) there won't be any need for any of this anyway.

    I'm still struggling to find this additional div main but I'll post if I find a solution.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    'm sure there'll be an updated plugin along eventually,
    Not sure what you mean by that. There was never a "plugin" for this kind of integration. Again the "zenphoto as a plugin" way was always a hack that now does not work anymore because of a change in Wordpress. We will not work on this.
    and when Zenphoto becomes as customisable as Wordpress (which I'm sure it will) there won't be any need for any of this anyway.
    Zenphoto may not have all features but I really think it is as customizable as Wordpress. Of course it may require some theme etc work of your own.
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