I have a strange bug with upload of pictures,
When i first upload pictures in a folder everything goes fine but if i try to add some pictures after some time in the same folder, my pictures didn't generate at all and for most of them they are 0px width/height..
Any idea would be greatly appreciated !
The log say :
[Sun Feb 20 23:02:34 2011] [error] [client] Empty input file, referer: http://www.mysite.com/zp-core/admin-edit.php?page=edit&subpage=1&tab=imageinfo&album=rhum/millenium&uploaded=1&albumimagesort=id_desc
Ang ZenPhoto Log say :
{Sun, 20 Feb 2011 22:02:33 GMT}
Backtrace: Mauvaise galerie choisie lors de l'instanciation de l'album rhum/millenium.
Album->Album called from uploader.php [39]
Does it help ?
The Zenphoto log indicates that you should install version and/or the current nightly build. That particular error has been corrected.
Sometimes i get a partial image, cutted about the half, but mostly no image..Or the good width and height but no image
And now they bug on the first upload
My php.ini just to check :
max_execution_time = 300
max_input_time = 300
memory_limit = 256M
upload_max_filesize = 16M
Bug still appear on different picture size(2Mo/3Mo/5Mo)... And doesnt seem to be logic, sometimes on a new folder sometimes on existing..
But now tinyMCE works on Pages and News Admin Edit
Does anyone have an idea ?
Thx for ZenPhoto !