Zenphoto URL

This is maybe a stupid question. I have my own website with a button "gallery" in navigation bar. I have to link the "Gallery" button to my Zenphoto gallery. Which Url do I have to use for the link? "http://www.example.be/zenphoto" or "http://www.example.be/zenphoto/index.php"
My zenphoto files are on my server in a folder called zenphoto.

I've been looking for an answer in the forum, but didn't find it. Sorry if the answer is in there anyway.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Actually you can use both, but the first one is probably preferred as `index.php` is called on most servers by default anyway.
  • Thank you very much for the answer. Now I'm sure to use te correct link.
    Keep on doing the good work here on Zenphoto,it's a great software. I even consider doing a course for HTML so I can integrate Zenphoto in my own website.
    Thanks a lot
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