when editing albums, title and description disappear

Hi, your help is appreciate.
If I make a new album and don't edit it (i put only name of album) all is fine. on the front-end I can see the name of the album.
If I edit album features, and click "apply" title and description disappear on the back and the front-end too.
Any ideas?
Thank you.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I think I don't understand the issue. If you create an album it does not have any description at all. Where should that come from? As the title the folder name is used if you don't set a specific title. (note there is a difference between title and name).
  • Hi Acrylian, thank you for your reply.
    I understand what is my problem.
    I set zpgalleriffic_v1.4. theme.
    I created albums and the name of album became the title of album. All was fine. Also I set the album's option (name, description etc) and all was fine.

    Only when I have changed the Style of theme (in theme options), the problem occurred.
    Infact, when I tryed to set again the album's option and click apply, album's title and description disappeared. Not only, in the whole gallery, the style theme doesn't work properly (the color of link's text) and slideshow doesn't work no more.

    The problem is also if I return to default theme. The gallery doesn't work fine anymore.

    If you want have a look here:
    the first album is with no title and if you go inside and try slideshow's link, slideshow doesn't work.

    I think that I had to install again zenphoto and don't use "change style".
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    If you change a theme that of course does neither affect Zenphoto itself nor any data entered for images etc.. That is why they are separate.

    Even if an album has no title it still has a name. And normally the name is used for any referrers internally, never the title.

    Sorry. I can't help with this theme as I have no idea what it does internally, I am not even sure if that slideshow link is our slideshow or the custom theme one I believe it has. The theme author might be of more help.
  • proph Member
    I believe I have the same problem.

    When I edit image title and/or description and click apply zenphoto returns "changes applied" but all the title and description fields returns empty. This affects the whole page and all images on that page.

    Same thing happens when i try to edit albums.

    Seems like zenphoto posts all of the fields empty or then some other error happens when trying to submit data to database.

    When I check database with phpmyadmin all the affected fields are empty. All previous data is lost. Including the default title (image name).

    If I edit title/description directly with phpmyadmin everything works ok. So the problem is most likely somewhere between zp and my database.

    Everything worked ok before I upgraded zp in january. I have tried to reinstall zp several times with official releases, themes and nightly builds but with no luck.

    I'm able to change albums to a different order. So the problem is limited to submitting text fields.

    (This next information might not be correct so dont pay too much attention to it:

    I think that zp worked ok after upgrade and problems started after I changed the theme to zpArdoise. I'm not sure about this since I changed the theme about an hour after upgrade and can not recall if I really edited titles or just moved albums around)

    Any ideas what might be behind something like this? Charset or some php settings?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Changing a theme surely has nothing to do with not saving of text fields (if it did the theme must have serious issues, but I really doubt it - this can't happen by accident)..

    So this is currently? Please review your server's error log. Otherwise we are just guessing (needless to say I can't reproduce it).
  • proph Member
    Yes I'm using [6662] (Official Build). I did have the same problem with previous version. Probably or whatever version was released a couple of months a go.

    I don't know where or how to locate server error log. My "/home/[username]/logs" is empty. I have a paid service, not a server I run by myself.

    ZenPhoto debug log does not show anything related to this issue. Only some other irrelevant old information.

    Any pointers what to look for and from where?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    `home/[username]/logs`might be your server error log but you should ask your host. Mine lets me view them similar like that but I know others where have to use their user backend for this.

    I am sorry, I have no idea to your problem. Maybe someone else has. You could try the current trunk nightly though
  • Hi, I solved my problem. It was not due to the changing of theme. Now I understand really. I try to explain.
    I installed zenphoto with italian language.
    I created some new albums and all was ok (title and descriptions).
    When I set Languages in general options only on English the problem occurred. On the full gallery disappeared titles and description.
    Well, when I set also Italian language (and not only English), the full gallery showed again all titles and description. Also slideshow worked again.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    So you were in multilingual mode? Then disabling multilingual indeed might cause this as the multilingual mode internally "divides" the text field into severel (by serializing in case you want to know). If you disable that mode it is used as a normal text field again so the serializing and all you entered is gone. But there is actually a warning about that on the options.
  • proph Member
    Problem solved. Thank you =)

    Problem was just in the language options and not having any language in use. Yes I know. That was stupid :)

    I think I tried multilinqual settings on/off/on after installing zenphoto. But noticed that safari on my iphone used some chinese(?) characters. Thus I unchecked "Multi-lingual" checkbox. At the same time I apparently unchecked all the language options also and i was left with only "HTTP Accept Language" checked. --> And apparently you need to have at least english checked to have any default language in use.

    Thanks for the help and time guys.

    ps. Might be worth the while to address this problem in the future releases of ZP. I'm sure that otherwise somebody somewhere will be as stupid as I was and make this same mistake =)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I really don't know how no language could be selected. With radio buttons always one is and English should be always the default anway as it is the native language.

    Anyway, please open a ticket then. Otherwise it will be forgotten very soon.

    Edit: Indeed, it is possible just to select the http accept language. Anyway, please still open a ticket.
  • proph Member
    Ok. I'll do that.
  • i'm got the same error!
  • Switch to a supported theme and see if the problem still exists.
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